Endurance training resulted in significantly greater betatrophin responses compared with resistance training alone, and resistance and endurance exercises combined

Jamal Amri,1,* Mohammad bayat,2

1. Department of Biochemistry and Genetic, Faculty of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, IR. Iran.
2. Department of Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, IR. Iran.



Betatrophin, which recently identified, is a liver and adipose tissue produced hormones that regulates the level of lipid profiles and glucose homeostasis. therefore, this study for the first time was designed to evaluate effects of training and comparing three types training (endurance, resistance training and combination of these two types of training) on betatrophin level in the serum of rats with type 2 diabetes.


Thirty six wistar rats with mean weight of 200±50 g for this experimental study were randomly assigned to healthy control, diabetic control and diabetic training groups. the diabetic training group received ten weeks of resistance training (climbing up the ladder), endurance training ( running on treadmill) and combination of these training (resistance and endurance training ) following the induction of diabetes. twenty four hours after the last training session, blood serum samples were examined for evaluating betatrophin level through elisa as well as fbs, ldl and total cholesterol were measured by biochemical kits


The results showed that ten weeks of training induced significant increases in betatrophin (p<0.001) and decreases fbs, ldl, total cholesterol level (p<0.05) in the serum training group in comparison to the untrained group. as well as, these results revealed that the difference in betatrophin level between in endurance training group significantly higher than resistance training and combination training group (p<0.001).


Endurance training resulted in significantly greater betatrophin responses compared with resistance training as well as combination them and can be more effective in controlling type 2 diabetes.


Diabetes mellitus type 2, betatrophine, resistance training, endurance training