Investigation of interleukin-17 gene polymorphism in patients with gasteric carcinoma and comparsion with healthy individuals reffered parison to the healthy control in golestan province 's hospitals.

Ali akbar Rajablou,1,* Arash sattari,2

1. Islamic Azad University Gorgan Branch Faculty of
2. Islamic Azad University Gorgan Branch Faculty of



Gastric cancer is one of the most common types of human cancers globally, which remains an important public health burden worldwide. there is a wide variation in the incidence of gastric cancer in different geographical regions. in iran, while the northern and northwestern regions are high risk areas for gastric cancer, there are several intermediate and low risk populations in other geographical areas. il-17a and il-17f is a pro-inflammatory cytokine secreted by activated t-cells. this study in implemented to indicate the polymorphism of il-17a and il-17f in patients affected with gastric cancer.


in this study 161 samples collected from patients affected with gastric cancer sample stocked dnas isolated from biopsy specimens or peripheral blood was used and compared with 171 healthy controls. polymorphism was genotyped by pcr rflp method. an adjusted analysis was also performed by logistic regression analysis after adjustment for gender, age, and h. pylori infection status data were compared.


this case-control study indicated that there were significant associated between il-17agenotypes and gastric cancer compared with control groups. and there were not significant associated between il-17f genotypes and gastric cancer patients


In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that the il-17a gene was associated with the progression of gastric mucosal inflammation and the development of gastric mucosal atrophy, on the contrary to il-17f. this allele carrier may be associated with an increased risk of subsequent development of gastric cancer, especially intestinal-type gastric cancer.


Gastric cancer, il-17a and il-17f, carcinogenesis, polymorphism