The expression profile of erbb3 and its ligand nrg1 on depressed patients investigation in hormozgan

Ramin Parkash,1,* Kianoosh malekzadeh,2 Mehrdad sharifi,3 Soghra fallai,4

1. Department of Biology, Islamic Azad University, Ashkezar Branch, Ashkezar, Iran
2. Department of Medical Genetics; Medicine Faculty; Hormozgan University for Medical Science; Bandar Abbas; Iran
3. Ibn Sina Psycology Hospital; Hormozgan University for Medical Science; Bandar Abbas; Iran
4. Molecular Medicine Research Center; Hormozgan University for Medical Science; Bandar Abbas; Iran



Major depressive disorder (mdd), also known simply as depression, is a mental disorder characterized can negatively affect a person's personal, work, and general health. between 2–7% of adults with major depression die by suicide. 30 to 40% of people with depression leads to drug addiction. several genetic linkage analyses and genome wide association studies tried to identify susceptible genes relevant to mdd, to find reliable biomarkers. erbb3 is a tyrosine kinase receptor, implicated in myelination processes, controlling the growth and development of schwann cells that wrap around nerve axons to provide electrical insulation. also it binds members of the neuregulin family, such as neuregulin-1, and plays an important role in promoting oligodendroglia differentiation. nrg1 has role in neurodevelopment, glutamate, and other neurotransmitter receptor expression regulation.


60 persons (20 severe, 15 moderate and 20 age-sex matched healthy control, which are all confirmed by bek test) were participated. 1ml blood was collected before and after standard and conventional treatment. the mrna and protein expression in blood was measured by real-time pcr and elisa methods, respectively.


The nrg1 level was significantly decreased till 90% in both severe and moderate depressed patients as compare to controls. the level of nrg1 was significantly increase even to 130% in mild depressed people and 50% in severe group. the expression of erbb3 was increased 2.5 fold in moderate and 3.3 fold in sever patient. conventional treatment could decrease erbb3 level to normal.


This investigation indicated that these genes may play as a pathogenic role in depression and can be candidate as a pre-diagnostic (even before symptom emerging), as well as prognostic biomarker to evaluate even efficiency of treatment trend.


Nrg1; erbb3; depression; mdd; expression level