in the cruciferous vegetable category, broccoli has over 500 different species with numerous therapeutic properties. broccoli, cauliflower, brussels broccoli and cabbage are among the most recognizable types of this great group. this category of vegetables has the mechanism of glucosinolate, myrosinas and isothiocyanate. glucosinolate is a plant protective form, isothiocyanate is a bioactive form of the plant. sulforaphane is a phytochemical and a member of the large isothiocyanate population family, discovered in 1992 by paul talaley and jank et al. sulforaphane is not a substance commonly found in the plant, but a combination of glucoraphanin , which is a highly stable glucosinolate , produced by the enzyme myrosinase transforms glucoraphanine into unstable and highly reactive sulforaphane
as a defense mechanism against the plants flares. sulfuraphon is one of the most powerful natural activators of nrf2.
Sulforaphane adds keap1-nrf2 to the cytoplasm, and nrf2 is activated and transmitted to the nucleus and join to are then active nrf2-are and transcribes a set of protective genes or programming genes to a group of protective enzymes that make the enzymes an integral part of our protection against a variety of chronic diseases.
Sulfuraphon , has an effect on il-6 and other inflammatory cytokines and has a direct impact on nf-kb, inhibits inflammation in the body and helps treat chronic diseases such as alzheimer, parkinson, and autism. this biologically active substance has an effect on the pathway mtor also contributes to autism spectrum disorders and is also effective in regulating thermal shock response.
sulfuraphone is also an anti-aging factor with an effect on reducing inflammation and reducing oxidative stress. it also improves gastrointestinal microbial levels and improves gastric ulcer and control of some cancers, such as stomach and bladder cancer.