عنوان سخنرانی | سخنران | روز سخنرانی | ساعت سخنرانی |
Promoter Methylation Quantification of Four Tumor Suppressor Gene in Papillary Thyroid Cancer Tissues | فاطمه خاتمی Fatemeh Khatami | 1397/10/06 | 11:30-11:45 |
Immunohistochemical Expression of Ki67 and HER2 in Patients with Colorectal Cancer Compared to Adenomatous and Non-Neoplastic Tissue Samples | انعام الحق چرخت گرگیج Enam Alhagh Charkhat Gorgich | 1397/10/06 | 11:45-12:00 |
ژنتیک سرطان پستان وکلورکتان Brest and Colorectal Cancer (Epidemiology, Preventation, Diagnosis, Treatment) | دکتر رضا شیرکوهی Dr. Reza Shirkoohi | 1397/10/06 | 8:00-11:30 |
Brest and Colorectal Cancer (Epidemiology, Preventation, Diagnosis, Treatment) | دکتر کاظم زنده دل Dr. Kazem Zende Del | 1397/10/06 | 8:00-11:30 |
Brest and Colorectal Cancer (Epidemiology, Preventation, Diagnosis, Treatment) | دکتر آروین آریان Dr. Arvin Arian | 1397/10/06 | 8:00-11:30 |
Brest and Colorectal Cancer (Epidemiology, Preventation, Diagnosis, Treatment) | دکتر فرهاد شاهی Dr. Farhad Shahi | 1397/10/06 | 8:00-11:30 |
Brest and Colorectal Cancer (Epidemiology, Preventation, Diagnosis, Treatment) | دکتر رامش عمرانی پور Dr. Ramesh Omranipour | 1397/10/06 | 8:00-11:30 |
Brest and Colorectal Cancer (Epidemiology, Preventation, Diagnosis, Treatment) | دکتر حبیب الله محمودزاده Dr. Habibollah Mahmoodzadeh | 1397/10/06 | 8:00-11:30 |