• Algae and Fungi; the bioreactors for pharmaceutical s removal
  • soha mokhtari garakani,1,* Shima Mokhtari Garakani,2

  • Introduction: Todays, water pollutions put human health in danger and with the population increasing, these dangers have become more and more considerable. Furthermore, pharmaceuticals contamination has become more widespread and diverse. Therefore, Water treatment is an urgent concept in our world. The suitable methods with low operation Costs, easy operation, proper investment and the non-formation of degradation by-products -as features- are gathering in algae and fungi as suitable bioreactors.
  • Methods: the increasing pharmaceuticals consumption which cause aquatic ecosystems pollutions is our recent decade problem. wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were unable to remove pharmaceuticals completely. Fortunately, the treatments achieved by Fungi and algae performance are eco-friendly promising technologies for suitable treatments.
  • Results: bioremediation is a bio treatment in which the microorganisms have the main role through the processes. Through the different study about organic compounds bioremediation steps dependent on environmental, physical and chemical factors. Though bioremediation is a proven method but insufficiency about some compounds removing shows our requirement to genetically modified microorganisms. fungi fungi, which are categorized as eukaryotic organisms, one of our mycoremediation tools. They known as recalcitrant compounds transformers which using nonspecific intracellular and extracellular oxidative enzymes, also can tolerate the sudden changes in pH or humidity because of their Mycelium physiology and colonization strategy. though long growth cycle and spore formation are their limitation. fungi can have suspended growth or immobilized systems and the second one have the fast biodegradation. also their growth condition can be under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Fungi are as bio reactors or mycoreactors can be active in batch, semi-batch, sequencing batch, or continuous mode. White-rot fungi (WRF) belong to Basidiomycota phylum which are filamentous wood-degrading fungi and one of the most important fungi studied that can help us in lignin mineralization and help us to recalcitrant pollutants degradation. Both intracellular enzymatic system (i.e., cytochrome P450 system) or an extracellular enzymatic system (mainly lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase, laccase, and versatile peroxidase) help WRF to have proper degradation. In many cases, there would be the preference to use isolated enzymes (enzymatic bioremediation) than fungi biomass to reduce treatment time fungal growth period, to reduce sludge production, and to facilitate process control. Algae Algae are categorized as both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms and most of them are in microscopic size. autotrophcation, heterotrophication and mixotrophication energy cycle producing Of Algae are their supremacy. and living in harsh environmental conditions like low nutrient levels, and extreme pH and temperature tolerance are their species advantage Properties. Algae haven’t shown successful results during their Individual Activity. but in the companion of bacteria the results changed upside down and all biodegradation, biomineralization (bioprecipitation), biosorption (cell adsorption and/or bioaccumulation), stripping (volatilization), and photodegradation processes come to gather due to light effect. In many cases, the complete removal of the pharmaceuticals requires the microorganisms several group interactions which is involve with degradation phase. The alga such as Anabaena cylindrica, Chlorococcus, Spirulina platensis, Chlorella, Scenedesmus quadricauda, and Anaebena in companion of duckweed such as Lemna was successful bioreactor for pharmaceutical removing. This collection was successful especially for the compounds like synthetic hormone 17α-ethinylestradiol, natural hormones estrone and 17β-est even in low concentration levels.
  • Conclusion: The wastewater treatment industry faces widespread problems, including pharmaceutical pollution Which develop our approach to wastewater treatment. We tried to have short overview about fungi and algae potentials in pharmaceuticals removing bioremediation and bio absorption processes. Algae exhibit considerable advantages in compared by fungi, such as fast growth though both group are successful in pharmaceutical removing. In fact, there are a few Practical studies available and there would be a long way in this field for the future to understand the complexity of the processes, their dependence on physical and chemical factors, and the involved mechanisms. Furthermore, we have to received proper help from genetic engineering knowledge to have metabolic genes key to produce and amplify new effective algae or fungi strains. Absolutely applying new strains need to consider about legal limitations, as well as marketing challenges and consumption costs.
  • Keywords: algae; fungi; pharmaceuticals; bioremediation