• Investigating genetic and non-genetic risk factors and breast cancer detection methods in the population of South Fars women
  • Sara Senemar,1,* Abolfazl khalafi nezhad,2 Saba Jahani,3 Ali zarei,4 Hossein Javid,5 Bahram Tarami,6
    1. Department of Human Genetics , Faculty of Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Fars, Iran
    2. ّFaculty of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
    4. Department of Human Genetics , Faculty of Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Fars, Iran
    5. Department of Human Genetics , Faculty of Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Fars, Iran
    6. Department of Statistics ., College of Sciences, Shiraz Univ., Shiraz, Iran

  • Introduction: Carcinogenesis is a multifactorial process that is stimulated by two factors: genetic and environmental causes. Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women worldwide, with more than 2 million new cases in 2020 but comparing the national estimates of the incidence of cancer in Iran (152.7 per 100,000) with other countries in the world, can be considered a medium risk area for cancer. The number of breast cancer risk factors includes modifiable and non-modifiable factors. Biomarkers such as steroid receptors and HER2 play a key role in evaluating the clinical course, prognosis, and determining the type of breast cancer treatment. In the present study, the relationship between these biomarkers ER, PR, HERB2, and malignancy tumor (clinical histology), detection, stage, tumor size, and nongenetic risk factors are analyzed. Breast cancer has a high chance of cure if diagnosed early and treated appropriately
  • Methods: This study is based on the data collected from the samples of 109 patients with breast cancer who visited Gerash University of Medical Sciences between 1397 and 1399, and at that time, using the immunohistochemical method on paraffin block. It was done to evaluate the level of estrogen, progesterone, and HERB2 receptors, and other information was collected through a questionnaire and laboratory test. Data were entered into SPSS 26 software and analysis was performed using the Chi-square method (P less than 0.05 was considered significant).
  • Results: In the current study, the highest age of disease in women was in the range of 35-44 years (35.5%) and the lowest rate of disease in women was 25-34 years (10.3%). Of course, increasing age in the study group increases the probability The average age of the patients was 41.2. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the average body mass index and breast cancer stages. As the stage of breast cancer increases in patients, the amount of body mass index increases. Entering the advanced stages of breast cancer increases the body mass index. Age has no effect on increasing or decreasing body mass index. People whose body mass index is above 30 are diagnosed with stage 3 and 4 breast cancer (P≤0.05). In terms of the cancer tumor detection method, in 56.1% of the cases, Tru cat biopsy was the most used method and Fine needle aspiration Biopsy (Fna) with a fine needle was the least used method in 7.5% of the cases. Regarding the types of breast cancer (based on the site of involvement) in the patients who used the Tru cat biopsy method, the highest rate of breast cancer is related to invasive ductal carcinoma. Statistically, this type of cancer constitutes 90.9% of cancer cases. to give In the current study, estrogen receptor ER is positive in 71.7% of patients, estrogen receptor PR is positive in 61.6% of patients, and Herb2 is 3+ in 32.3% of cases. A direct relationship between the absence of the receptor and metastasis was seen in these patients. ≤0.05) Regarding the tumor size, the largest tumor size was between 2 and 5 mm at the rate of 56.7%. The size below 2 mm was 26.5% and the size above 5 mm was 10.0% and 2.2% were multiple tumors. It was proved in this study that tumor size is related to the tumor stage. In the examination of the side involved in breast cancer, which is divided into 4 parts, right, left, and bilateral, in the present study, 52%, 44.9%, and 3.1% were recorded, respectively. In terms of the location of cancer in the breast, the most part of the breast that has the possibility of cancer is the outer upper quadrant of the breast. Examining the study of gland metastasis to other parts of the body (distant metastasis), the most metastasis was to bone, liver, and lung with an equal amount of 4.7%, and in the next stage, the brain with an amount of 1.9%.
  • Conclusion: In a study in the south of the country, the relationship between the absence of genetic markers with a bad prognosis (tumor metastasis), the low average age of patients compared to abroad is about 9 years, and the relationship of the disease with a high body mass index, the relationship of tumor size and Tumor stage, and high probability of tumor location were proved in this research, but cancer genetic markers and genes were not related to the age of the patients. Examining reports on the status and comparison of breast cancer risk factors in access to breast cancer prevention methods in different regions of Iran is very useful.
  • Keywords: risk factors, breast cancer , detection, steroid receptors, clinical histology