• Investigating fungal infections on PSEN1 gene expression in Alzheimer's patients by PCR method review article
  • katayoun aliyari,1,* haniye fayezi,2
    1. department of molecular genetics tehran branch, islamic azad university,tehran,iran
    2. department of microbiology, central tehran branch, islamic azad university,tehran,iran

  • Introduction: Alzheimer's is a neuropathological disease that causes loss of memory and destruction of cognitive function. Fungal infections can cause changes in the human body at the genetic level and therefore may have an effect on the expression of the PSEN1 gene PCR method can be used to check this effect. One of the factors that may influence the course of Alzheimer's disease is fungal infections. Various fungi can be found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, and in some cases, fungal infections are more common in the brains of Alzheimer's patients than in healthy people. The PSEN1 gene is a gene related to Alzheimer's disease that plays an important role in the production of amyloid-beta protein Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method has been used to investigate this effect. PCR is a powerful method in biochemistry and molecular biology that is used to amplify and complement DNA sequences using genetic amplification. Using this method, PSEN1 gene expression has been evaluated in Alzheimer's patients with and without fungal infection.
  • Methods: Collecting brain samples from Alzheimer's patients with fungal infection and Alzheimer's patients without fungal infection, DNA is extracted from the samples. Then primers are designed that join a part of the PSEN1 geneThe PCR solution is prepared, which includes all the necessary materials for the PCR reaction. Then the samples and primers are added to the PCR solution and the PCR reaction is performed in the thermal device. We examine the neuropathological changes in these samples. This method can help investigate the effect of mushrooms on brain function and changes in neural networks in Alzheimer's disease.
  • Results: The results of this analysis show whether Alzheimer's patients with fungal infection have a difference in PSEN1 gene expression compared to Alzheimer's patients without fungal infection. This method is able to detect and understand the relationship between fungal infections and PSEN1 gene expression in Alzheimer's patients
  • Conclusion: Early diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections can play an important role in improving the quality of life and management of Alzheimer's patients. Also, a better understanding of the effects of fungal infections in the process of Alzheimer's disease can help to develop new therapeutic and preventive methods in this field. However, it should be noted that other factors such as genetic and environmental factors also play a role in Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, there is a need for further research in this field to improve and confirm the results.
  • Keywords: Fungal infections,alzheimers disease,PSEN1 gene,pcr,molecular diagnosis, brain tissue sampling.