• Air pollution as a lifespan reducer
  • Mehrnush Saghab Torbat,1 Mohammad Mahdi Saghab Torbati,2,*
    1. Islamic Azad University, Zahedan Branch; medical department
    2. Emergency medicine specialist, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran

  • Introduction: One of the huge global concern is air pollution. Air pollution can affect people's life in many aspects. One of the critical aspect is Mental health. Air pollution can affect mental health in several ways. Air pollution can be neurotoxic and associated with structural brain changes. Some studies provide a basis for analyzing the relationship between air pollution and mental health
  • Methods: Some studies show significant associated with hospitalizations for schizophrenia in female subjects living in Beijing (China) when air pollution raised. Furthermore, there is association between air pollution and higher number of visits in the psychiatric emergency unit in Sweden during warm seasons. sulfur dioxide (SO2) air concentrations were significantly associated with an increased number of psychiatry hospitalizations especially in warm season: A Chinese study investigated the effect of different air pollutants on number of daily hospital admissions for mental disorders
  • Results: Some air pollutants play main role in these symptoms: PM, NO2 and SO2. Increased levels of PM may have a role in aggravating symptoms of existing mental disorders. Some mental disorder that air pollution can because of them are: Schizophrenia- Bipolar disorder –Depression- Suicide- Anxiety- Other adult mental disorders (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Eating Disorders or Personality Disorders)- Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)- Autism
  • Conclusion: There is a report that shows association between air pollution and risk of suicide, related to increments of CO and NO2, especially for males during winter period
  • Keywords: Public health industrial air pollution pollution. Schizophrenia ADHD