• Neisseria gonorrhoeae review article
  • Farnaz Gheisari,1 Saman Hakimian,2,*
    2. M.sc student of Pathogenic Microbes Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch

  • Introduction: Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) is a human specific pathogen that cause the sexually transmitted infection and in ( N. gonorrhoeae , gonorrhea) is a gram negative bacterium with a wide range of clinical presentation. N.gonorrhoeae is an obligate human pathogen that colonizes mucosal surfaces of the urogenital tract , pharynx , rectum , and conjunctiva , where it stimulates robust neuthrophil recruitment. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a major global public health problem and among the most common infectious diseases. Gonorrhoea is an STI that affects only humans, caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Gonococcal infection in humans does not generate an effective immune response in most cases, which contributes to both transmission of the pathogen and reinfection after treatment. Neisseria gonorrhoeae is known to evade and suppress human immune responses through a variety of mechanisms. Gonorrhea is considered an urgent threat to public health with an estimated 87 million cases occurring annually worldwide, growing antimicrobial resistance, and the absence of a gonococcal vaccine.
  • Methods: N.gonorrhoeae infection starts with the adhesion of gonococci to epithelial cells, followed by local cellular invasion.  Gonorrhea has multiple surface proteins that facilitate adhesion. N. gonorrhoeae utilize pili to initiate adhesion to epithelial cells. Hair-like appendages, pili, cover the bacterial surface. Their ability to lengthen and retract allows the bacteria to attach from a distance and move closer to the epithelial cells, promoting cellular invasion. its ability to develop resistance to antimicrobials and in the antigenic variability by which it evades host defences, thus persisting and often causing asymptomatic (and undetected) infection. infection in men and the endocervix infection in women are the common causes of gonorrhoeae. This damage the columnar epithelium of the endocervix and cause pain during sexual contact, an aching feeling while urinating and abdominal vaginal emission.
  • Results: The continued worldwide incidence of gonorroeal infection , coupled with the rising resistance to antimicrobials and the difficulties in controlling the diseas in developing countries , highlights the need to better understand the molecular basis of N. gonorrhoeae infection .
  • Conclusion: In females, N. gonorrhoeae most commonly infects the cervix, resulting in cervicitis. When female patients with gonococcal urogenital infections have symptoms, they may complain of vaginal discharge, dysuria, or pelvic pain. Az no gonococcal  vaccine is available , prevention relies on promoting safe sexual  behaviours and reducingSTI associated stigma , which hinders timely diagnosis and treatment therapy increasing transmission.
  • Keywords: Neisseria gonorrhoeae- infection- pathogen- sexually