• Role of P53 in Brest Cancer progression and therapy method
  • Shadi Khalili,1,* Saman Hakimian,2
    1. Senior student of Genetics Azad University, Research Sciences Unit, Iran, Tehran
    2. M.sc student of Microbiology Islamic Azad University Centtal Tehran Branch, Iran , Tehran

  • Introduction: The tumor suppressor protein p53 as a guardian of the genome plays a crucial role in preventing cancer by inducing apoptosis, DNA repair, and cell cycle arrest. Dysregulation of p53, often through mutations or inhibitory interactions, contributes to the development of breast cancer. Notably, the transcription factor KLF12 and the negative regulator MDM2 are implicated in disrupting p53 function, leading to breast cancer initiation and progression. Another factor is BAG2 which plays a pivotal role in promoting the formation and propagation of mutant p53 aggregates. Elevated BAG2 levels are associated with relapse and poor prognosis in breast cancer patients.
  • Methods: Elevated BAG2 levels are associated with relapse and poor prognosis in breast cancer patients. These aggregates, in turn, hinder the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, contributing to chemoresistance. Furthermore, the ubiquitin ligase RNF187, a member of the RING family, directly targets p53 for ubiquitination, perturbing its interaction with MDM2 and promoting breast cancer growth.
  • Results: Moreover, our findings suggest that BAG2 represents a potential therapeutic target for addressing drug resistance and enhancing chemotherapy efficacy in breast cancer patients, particularly those facing chemoresistance challenges. In conclusion, this review sheds light on the intricate interactions and mechanisms governing p53-associated breast cancer development and resistance, offering insights into strategies for potential therapeutic interventions.
  • Conclusion: In this review article, we delve into the various strategies investigated for addressing p53 mutations and their potential as treatments. These encompass distinct types of treatments that the efficacy and constraints of these strategies within both pre-clinical and clinical contexts are explored and discussed comprehensively.
  • Keywords: Breast cancer, p53, Treatment, Tissue