• A review of the effect of yoga and meditation techniques on vaginismus
  • Azam Zare arashlouei,1,* Atefeh Ahmadi,2
    1. Student Research Committee, Razi Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Kerman University Sciences, Kerman, Iran
    2. Department of Counselling in Midwifery, Nursing reserch center, Razi Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran

  • Introduction: Vaginismus is a common issue in midwifery that greatly affects women's health and sexual satisfaction. Despite being recognized as a significant problem, there is a lack of comprehensive and up-to-date information regarding effective techniques to address it. Consequently, this study was conducted to examine the impact of yoga and meditation techniques on vaginismus.
  • Methods: The present study is a narrative review that aimed to compile information on the topic. To gather relevant articles, the researchers conducted a computer search using databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Magi Ran, and Sid. To conduct the search, keywords such as vaginismus, yoga, and meditation were used. Initially, 20 articles were identified, their abstracts were examined, and the articles that did not address the research question were excluded. Subsequently, the full texts of the remaining articles were studied, and the data of 13 articles were used to develop this review article.
  • Results: The findings of the present research led to the classification of results into three general dimensions. The physical dimension: Yoga physical techniques have an impact on both the body and mind, aiding in the improvement of vaginismus by strengthening the control of perineal muscles. The psychological dimension: Through the practice of meditation in yoga and being mindful of emotions while focusing on breathing, individuals with vaginismus can reduce their anxiety and achieve a significant enhancement in their sexual satisfaction. The biological dimension: These techniques influence the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain and stimulate the parasympathetic system, leading to increased relaxation and a potential reduction in symptoms such as vaginal tightness and pain.
  • Conclusion: The findings of this study can be disseminated to experts and healthcare professionals, enabling them to educate women about the role of yoga and meditation in improving vaginismus. Thus, women can incorporate these techniques into their daily routines and life plans, potentially benefiting from their positive effects.
  • Keywords: vaginismus, yoga, meditation