• Vibrio cholera and stool examination test review article
  • Zohreh Ahmadi,1 Saman Hakimian,2,*
    1. Bachelor of Microbiology Ilam Branch Azad University
    2. M.sc student of Microbiology Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch,Iran,Tehran

  • Introduction: Cholera is an infection of the small intestine caused by some strains of Vibrio cholera bacteria.Its indicator is a lot of watery diarrhea.Acute and profuse diarrhea is a striking example of enteropathogenic invasion and disruption of the intestinal microbial community.The discoverer of cholera is Robert Kocht,a German scientist. The main reservoir is human cholera. People who have a weak immune system or people who take antacid drugs and whose stomach is less acidic are more vulnerable to this disease. . People who travel to endemic areas can be exposed to cholera and bring the Vibrio cholera bacteria into their region that is free of the disease. Vibrio cholera bacteria is also related to the type of blood group of people, and people who are blood group O. They are the most vulnerable.
  • Methods: Cholera outbreaks are more widespread in areas where there is poor sanitation and overcrowding, or where there is war or flooding. The toxin of Vibrio cholera bacterium is cholera toxin, which is an enterotoxin and belongs to the family of AB toxins. It has two subunits A, heterodimeric and subunit B, hemopentameric. Cholera toxin, by converting ATP to cAMP, causes the excretion of chlorine ions and inhibits the absorption of sodium ions. Vibrio cholera bacterium enters the intestinal mucosa and multiplies there. Then, by tearing itself, it releases poison and causes an increase in CAMP, which increases the leakage of water and electrolytes into the intestine, and prevents the absorption of electrolytes. During infection, Vibrio cholerae can form biofilms that play a role in disease transmission and pathogenesis. Vibriocholera is a facultative human pathogen and can be isolated from aquatic environments.
  • Results: Cholera diagnosis method is through stool test. The probability of death in the absence of treatment is 50 to 60%, and less than 1% in the case of full medical intervention.
  • Conclusion: The symptoms of the disease include excessive thirst, vomiting without nausea, watery and pressure-filled diarrhea without heartache that the patient cannot control, cramping of the muscles behind the leg, decreased urination, yellow urine. The duration of the disease varies from 2 to 5 days, and each of the above symptoms alone does not indicate cholera, and the disease may not have all the symptoms.The main treatment for affected people is ORS. The first stage of treatment is drinking water and electrolytes. The next stage is the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics play a role in reducing the duration and severity of the disease and speeding up the cleaning of bacteria. But prescribing antibiotics is not necessary. The first choice is macrolide antibiotics. Resistance of Vibrio cholera to tetracycline and doxycycline has spread. Cefixime, ampicillin, azithromycin, and erythromycin are suitable for children and pregnant women.
  • Keywords: Vibrio cholera -immune system -watery diarrhea-cholera toxin-Robert Koch