• just one extra chromosome; Down syndrome
  • Mohadese farahani,1,* Reyhaneh Khodadadi,2 Hossein kazemi,3
    1. Arak University
    2. Arak University
    3. Arak University of Medical Sciences

  • Introduction: Down syndrome is the most common cause of mental retardation with genetic origin. Most affected people have an extra chromosome 21. Of course, other things may also cause this disease, including; Robert Sonin translocation and isochromosomes. In recent years, the life expectancy of these people has increased, which increases the possibility of contracting secondary diseases at a later age. The incidence of this disease increases with the age of the mother. And according to the definition of the word syndrome, it has a variety of symptoms that are categorized and analyzed in this article.
  • Methods: Using the Google Scholar database, articles related to the topic were searched within the time limit of 2019 to 2023. Then, based on factors such as symptoms and new achievements in this field, they were categorized and analyzed. Search terms in this database: Down's syndrome/New findings of Down's syndrome/Down's syndrome and Alzheimer's/Down's syndrome and corona virus
  • Results: Trisomy of chromosome 21 is a primary genetic cause of developmental abnormalities that lead to learning and cognitive disabilities. History: Down syndrome was first described in 1866 by an English doctor named John Langdon Down. 100 years after this description, Dr. Jerome Lejeune in Paris was able to find the link between chromosome 21 and Down syndrome. signs: Congenital heart defects/ Abnormalities related to the digestive system/ Blood disorders/ Endocrine disorders/ Neurological disorders/ Skeletal disorders/ Vision and hearing disorders (All these cases have been reviewed and reviewed in this article.) Diagnosis or screening methods: Ultrasound (between 14 and 24 weeks of pregnancy)/increased thickness of nuchal folds/amniocentesis/sampling of chorionic villi/morphological changes of the nose (All these cases have been reviewed and reviewed in this article.) The possibility of contracting secondary diseases: Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease: Almost all adults with Down syndrome show Alzheimer's neuropathological changes by the age of 40. As a result, dementia becomes more common with age. Down syndrome and epilepsy: people with this disease, especially in older age, are susceptible to epilepsy, which is also related to Alzheimer's disease. Down syndrome and corona virus: these people are very vulnerable to immune system disorders, including autoimmune diseases, and also show more severe symptoms than other people during viral infections. The results of the research show that people with Down syndrome are known as a vulnerable group against Corona, who experience more severe symptoms with longer hospitalization periods.
  • Conclusion: Down syndrome is a disease with various symptoms that can cause problems in almost all organs and systems of the body. This disease can provide the basis for contracting other diseases. Many researches have been done in relation to the knowledge of the nature of the disease, but genetic counseling is expected to play a stronger role in preventing this syndrome. Also, more research should be done on how to manage the various symptoms of this disease.
  • Keywords: Down syndrome/Alzheimer/coronavirus/epilepsy