• Investigating the relationship between Trait Emotional Intelligence and level of Empathy in schizophrenic patients referred to Rasoul Akram Psychiatry Clinic.
  • Mehrdad Aghedi,1,* Navid sadati,2
    1. Alborz university of medical science
    2. Alborz university of medical science

  • Introduction: Schizophrenia is a clinical syndrome consisting of a variable but profoundly destructive psychopathology that involves Cognitive, Emotion, Perception and other aspects of behavior, and no social class is immune to it. One of the main indicators for Schizophrenia is social disability that includes social skills, interpersonal relationships, and self-care. Considering the importance of this field; in recent years researchers has paid attention to uncover wider areas of emotional and social problems of people with Schizophrenia. One of these areas is the investigation of the emotional intelligence in schizophrenic patients. Compared to normal individuals, people with schizophrenia have defects in different dimensions of emotional intelligence. Another characteristic of schizophrenic patients that has attracted the attention of researchers, is violent behavior. In fact, it has been determined that there is an important relationship between schizophrenia and violence. It has been found that the main cause of violent behavior among schizophrenic patients is their difficulty in empathizing with others. However, the main cause of lack of empathy in schizophrenic patients is not clear. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence of schizophrenic patients and their level of empathy.
  • Methods: In this research, available sampling method was used and ninety patients referred to the clinic with a definite diagnosis of schizophrenia were asked to answer the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue-SF) and Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ). After collecting the data, the statistical method of multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data.
  • Results: According to regression analysis, the results showed that there is a relationship between trait emotional intelligence and level of sympathy, and this relationship was observed in different dimensions of trait emotional intelligence with level of sympathy.
  • Conclusion: More emotional intelligence leads to more empathy. In fact, emotional intelligence strengthens empathy. Therefore, by using psychotherapy techniques to increase emotional intelligence, it is possible to reduce many behavioral problems of schizophrenic patients.
  • Keywords: Schizophrenia, Traits Emotional Intelligence, Empathy