• Investigation of VKORC1 Gene Polymorphism Prevalence and its Relationship with Warfarin dosage in Consuming Warfarin Patients in Sirjan city by PCR-RFLP
  • Mahdiyeh Mirmousa,1 Shima Mirzaie Parsa,2 Mohammad Javad Soltani Banavandi,3,*
    1. Islamic Azad University, Jiroft branch
    2. Islamic Azad University, Damghan branch
    3. Islamic Azad University, Kerman branch

  • Introduction: Warfarin is one of the coumarin derivatives and the most common anticoagulant drug prescribed for the treatment and prevention of thromboembolic diseases, atrial fibrillation, and Warfarin is one of the most important oral anticoagulants that is prescribed according to the needs of people in the process of preventing blood coagulation. The need for different doses of warfarin in different people is dependent on age, sex, diet, medications and most importantly genetic factors, which are among the effective factors in determining the dose of warfarin. Some polymorphisms of the VKORC1 gene, which expresses the C1 subunit of VKOR vitamin K epoxide reductase, are responsible for resistance and sensitivity to warfarin. The present study examines the frequency of VKORC1 gene polymorphisms and its relationship with warfarin dosage in cardiac patients taking warfarin in Sirjan city.
  • Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, genomic DNA was extracted from the blood samples of patients taking warfarin using the Carmania Pars Gene (K.P.G) kit, and the genotype of VKORC1 gene polymorphisms (-1639 G>A) was determined by PCR-RFLP method on 153 patients taking warfarin were performed. 1.5% agarose gel was used to confirm the size of the amplified DNA fragment. Statistical analysis was done with SPSS version 25 software to check the relationship between the demographic data of the patients and the amount of warfarin consumption.
  • Results: After comparing the average dose of warfarin in individuals, no statistically significant difference was observed in terms of the amount of warfarin dose with age in relation to this polymorphism and the dosage of warfarin according to gender, as well as the PT and INR parameters were reported to be the same in the studied subjects. However, genotype AA showed the highest and GA the lowest required dose of warfarin in patients.
  • Conclusion: Geographically, Iran is located between two Asian and European populations. Therefore, the existence of high ethnic diversity and genetic variants in Iran due to immigration and population flows is not far from mind. As a result, it is important to obtain the distribution pattern of genetic variants in different regions of Iran due to the effect of variants on drug dose sensitivity. Also, considering the inter-individual and inter-ethnic differences in the response to warfarin, the limited therapeutic range of warfarin and the lack of availability of sufficient information about VKORC1 gene polymorphisms in Iranian people, the present study aims to Investigation of VKORC1 gene polymorphisms was done in Sirjan city. It seems that the relationship between the amount of warfarin consumption depends on the alleles of other genes in addition to the mentioned polymorphism that their effect can be effective on the amount of consumption, also the environmental conditions can also have an effect that should be checked.
  • Keywords: Anticoagulant, Warfarin, Genetic polymorphisms, VKORC1 gene, PCR-RFLP