• The effect of recombinant drugs on cancer
  • Mohamad mahdi Jafari,1 soheil Eskandari,2 Shiva Najafi,3,*
    1. Bachelor student of Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Naqsh Jahan Institute of Higher Education, Isfahan, Baharestan
    2. Bachelor student of Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Naqsh Jahan Institute of Higher Education, Isfahan, Baharestan
    3. PhD in Biochemistry, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Naqsh Jahan Institute of Higher Education, Isfahan, Baharestan

  • Introduction: Cancer is one of the deadlyest diseases in the world. Common cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy have a low survival rate, which is due to tumor progression, resistance to treatment, and non-specificity of treatment for the tumor. The production of recombinant proteins is one of the most important achievements of biotechnology in the 20th century. Using the natural power of prokaryotic and eukaryotic host cells to express recombinant proteins has led to the development of multi-billion dollar industries. Recombinant proteins have become very important for medical applications Bacteria can specifically target tumors, actively penetrate and search the tissue, and produce toxicity in a controlled manner. Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases worldwide. Common cancer treatments such as chemotherapy And radiation therapy has a low survival rate, which is due to tumor progression, resistance to treatment, and non-specificity of treatment for the tumor. Bacteria can specifically target tumors, actively infiltrate and search the tissue, and produce toxicity in a controlled manner.
  • Methods: Based on the studies that have been conducted and the articles that have been studied, it can be found that bacteria can specifically target tumors, actively penetrate and search the tissue, and create toxicity .in a controlled manner The toxin causes red blood cell lysis with a time-dependent process; Non-lethal concentrations of the recombinant toxin FraC caused a 4- to 6-fold increase in the lethal effects of the drug 5-fluorouracil at .different times of action on MCF-7 cell
  • Results: Expression of the recombinant FraC protein 21 BL bacterial colonies containing pET28a-FraC expression vector were cultured in LB culture medium containing the antibiotic kanamycin, and by adding IPTG to a concentration of 100 μM and passing at least 3 hours, the bacterial pellet was collected and in a SDS-PAGE gel. , the protein content of the bacteria containing the expression vector was compared before and after the induction of protein expression The toxin causes red blood cell lysis with a time-dependent process. In this study, histidine tag is attached to the toxin gene at the carboxyl terminus for protein purification. It seems that this work did not have an inhibitory effect on the biological activity of the toxin. The survival rate of MCF-7 cells in the presence of FraC recombinant toxin. trypan blue assay were tested. As can be seen in Figure 6, at 24 and 48 hours, there is a significant difference in the effect of the drug Fl5 and rivuracil on cells in the presence and absence of the recombinant toxin. The values of 50 ICs obtained with Graphpad software are summarized in Table 1. As it is clear, the non-lethal concentrations of the recombinant toxin FraC caused a 4 to 6 fold increase in the lethal effects of the drug 5-fluorouracil at different times of action on MCF-7 cells.s
  • Conclusion: Cancer treatment faces major challenges, including the lack of specific of treatment methods. It has been widely observed that chemotherapy or radiotherapy cause significant side effects. The non-specific targeting and the toxicity of the own cells limit the effectiveness of the treatment. Therefore, recent research efforts have been focused on the treatment of cancer by biological molecules, recombinant proteins, especially antibodies and targeting peptides, as well as other specific agents such as aptamers.
  • Keywords: Cancer,Recombinant medicine, Chemotherapy,Toxin