• Investigating the Prevalence of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Elderly Women With Urinary Tract Infection
  • Mohammad Vaseie,1 Mobina Shariatzadeh,2 maryam Amini,3,*
    1. Department of Emergency medicine, Faculty of medicine, Tehran university of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran
    2. Depatment of infectious diseases and Tropical medicine, Faculty of medicine, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
    3. Shahed university

  • Introduction: Introduction: Urinary tract infection is one of the most common infectious diseases in women. This research was conducted with the aim of determining the pattern of antibiotic resistance in micro-organisms that cause office infection and the effect of common antibiotics in treating the disease in elderly women
  • Methods: Methods: The current study is a cross-sectional study. The sampling method was a census and the target population included all female patients over 65 years of age with urinary tract infections who were admitted to the infectious and urology departments of Shahid Mostafa Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran from April 2017 to March 2022 and received antibiotics during the treatment period. have done, a study was conducted on 150 elderly female patients aged 65 and over with urinary tract infection. After culture and final confirmation of infection, urine samples were analyzed for microbial sensitivity by standard disc diffusion method. The relationship between the infecting strain, the results of the antibiogram culture, and the demographic factors of age, underlying disease, and length of treatment were investigated.
  • Results: Results: Escherichia coli was diagnosed as the dominant strain in 120 patients. 11 types of antibiotics were identified in the antibogram culture, all patients (100%) were sensitive to Amikacin. The most resistant antibiotic was Cefalotin, which 83% of patients showed resistance to. The infecting strain and antibiogram culture results had no significant relationship with the demographic factors of age, underlying disease, and length of treatment (P>0.05).
  • Conclusion: Conclusion: The results of the study showed that the most resistant and sensitive antibiotics examined in the study were Cefalotin and Amikacin. Due to the high prevalence of urinary tract infection in the elderly, its correct diagnosis
  • Keywords: Keywords: Urinary infection Antibiotic resistance Elderly Underlying disease