• Angiogenesis in Colorectal Cancer: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Perspectives
  • Kosar Gozali Chiana,1,*
    1. Department of Genetics, Saba non-profit organization - Urmia, Iran

  • Introduction: Colorectal cancer is a major public health issue with high morbidity and mortality rates. Angiogenesis, regulated by various factors including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), is essential for tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. Understanding the intricate molecular pathways involved in angiogenesis in CRC is crucial for the development of effective therapeutic strategies.
  • Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted using electronic databases such as PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science. The search strategy included keywords such as "angiogenesis," "colorectal cancer," "molecular mechanisms," and "therapeutic strategies." Relevant articles published between 2000 and 2023 were considered. The selected studies were critically evaluated and analyzed for their contributions to understanding angiogenesis in CRC.
  • Results: The results section highlights the key findings related to the mechanisms driving angiogenesis in CRC. Multiple pathways, including the VEGF pathway, the Notch signaling pathway, and the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) pathway, have been implicated in promoting angiogenesis in CRC. Tumor cells, endothelial cells, and the tumor microenvironment play a collaborative role in enhancing angiogenesis through the secretion of angiogenic factors and the recruitment of immune cells. Moreover, the section provides an overview of preclinical and clinical studies investigating therapeutic strategies targeting angiogenesis in CRC, such as anti-angiogenic agents, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and immune checkpoint inhibitors.
  • Conclusion: Angiogenesis is a critical process in CRC development and progression. Targeting angiogenesis has emerged as a promising therapeutic approach in CRC treatment. The understanding of the complex molecular mechanisms driving angiogenesis in CRC provides valuable insights into potential therapeutic targets. Various anti-angiogenic agents have demonstrated efficacy in preclinical and clinical studies, either as monotherapy or in combination with standard treatments. However, further research and clinical trials are needed to optimize these strategies and improve patient outcomes in CRC.
  • Keywords: Angiogenesis, colorectal cancer, molecular mechanisms, therapeutic strategies, anti-angiogenic agent