• The Clinical Utility of Virtual Reality in the clinical laboratory: A Systematic Review
  • Niki Maleki,1 Vahid Fatehi,2,*
    1. Medical laboratory researcher
    2. HIM Researcher

  • Introduction: This systematic review explores the benefits, limitations, and practical applications of VR in clinical laboratory settings through analysis of recent scientific literature.
  • Methods: Literature searches were conducted in 2019-2023 using PRISMA guidelines and keywords "clinical laboratory", "virtual reality", and "clinical utility". Studies published in the past 5 years were included to focus on recent research.
  • Results: Current findings highlight VR advantages in laboratory training and education, realistic skill simulations, diagnostic testing improvements, and laboratory automation advancements. However, limitations exist including lack of protocols, technological constraints, costs, and ethical considerations.
  • Conclusion: While more research is needed, VR demonstrates valuable potential to enhance laboratory practices through improved training, accuracy, efficiency, and workflow optimization. Careful development and evaluation is critical to address existing barriers to adoption.
  • Keywords: virtual reality, clinical laboratory, medical laboratory, clinical utility