• Evaluation of changes in blood serum lipids after lipoabdominoplasty surgery in surgical specimens in the Mehr center of Tehran city
  • Maryam Nafisi,1,*

  • Introduction: Background and purpose: Today, obesity has become a chronic and common disease that can cause a lot of harm to a person and cause serious health problems. Obesity is the cause of various diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary diseases, etc. There are many treatment methods for obesity sufferers, which due to the vast changes in people's lifestyle, faster, less complicated and more effective methods have been more welcomed; Meanwhile, liposuction has been one of the most popular methods to correct obesity, especially local obesity, in recent years. Classical abdominoplasty surgery is a surgical method to improve the appearance of the abdomen by removing excess fat and skin in the hypogastric area, repairing the defect in the muscle layer of the abdominal wall with wide incisions. In this study, metabolic changes following lipoabdominoplasty were investigated.
  • Methods: This case-control study was conducted with the aim of investigating Chol Total, HDL, LDL, TG factors on 30 obese patients and 30 healthy individuals. After obtaining informed consent from the patients, fasting blood samples were taken 24 hours before the operation and then 4 weeks after the operation. After separating the serum samples, the changes in metabolic factors were measured using medical diagnostic kits It was analyzed by SPSS software version 22.
  • Results: In this study, statistical analysis was taken at the statistical level of 95%, and comparing the two groups of patients with healthy, cholesterol and LDL as bad lipids decreased significantly, HDL as good lipids increased significantly, and triglycerides No significant change range was observed. Also, comparing the two groups of patients before and after the surgery, the triglyceride level increased significantly after the operation, and the cholesterol, LDL, and HDL levels did not change significantly.
  • Conclusion: According to the findings and the fact that lipabdominoplasty is a surgical method to improve the appearance of the abdomen and is used as a cosmetic surgery, the change in serum fat profile after lipabdominoplasty, this procedure can improve Fat profile and improvement of life of obese patients can be effective.
  • Keywords: lipoabdominoplasty-cholesterol-LDL-HDL-triglyceride-obesity