• Bioinformatic investigation of miR-128 miR-138 as genetic regulators in gastric cancer
  • Dr.Faranak Jamshidian,1,* Dr.Shohre Zare,2
    1. Department of Biology , East Tehran Branch Islamic Azad University , Tehran , Iran
    2. Department of Genetics and Biotechnology , School of Biological Science , Varamin-Pishva Branch , Islamic Azad University , Varamin , Iran

  • Introduction: Gastric cancer is the second most frequent cause of cancer death worldwide, although much geographical variation in incidence exists. Prevention and personalised treatment are regarded as the best options to reduce gastric cancer mortality rates. Prevention strategies should be based on specific risk profiles, including Helicobacter pylori genotype, host gene polymorphisms, presence of precursor lesions, and environmental factors. Although adequate surgery remains the cornerstone of gastric cancer treatment, this single modality treatment seems to have reached its maximum achievable effect for local control and survival. Minimally invasive techniques can be used for treatment of early gastric cancers. Achievement of locoregional control for advanced disease remains very difficult. Therefore, the study of genetic and epigenetic regulatory factors and knowledge of these factors is important and can greatly help in the treatment of this disease.
  • Methods: First, we examined miR-128 and miR-138 in the comprehensive mirDB database and extracted all the information related to them and their target genes. Then, with the help of Kyoto gene encyclopedia (KEGG Pathway), we studied all the known metabolic pathways and roles of miR-128 and miR-138. Finally, with the help of COSMIC database, we were able to first confirm the role of these miRNAs in gastric cancer and identify all known mutations in them and their regulatory role.
  • Results: By doing all these studies, we found that miR-128 and miR-138 can be suitable candidates for molecular tests and we can count on their important and regulatory role in gastric cancer.
  • Conclusion: miR-128 and miR-138 have a positive regulatory role in the process of gastric cancer, and useful results can be obtained by studying them and their target genes.
  • Keywords: miR-128 , miR-138 , Gastric Cancer