• Therapeutic applications of Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in women's health and infertility: A Review Article
  • Somayeh Nikkhah,1,*
    1. Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Kerman Branch,Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.

  • Introduction: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a new treatment method that which is enriched with large amounts of platelets and growth factors. Growth factors play an essential role in tissue regeneration and activate cell growth and reproduction and in this way, it is used in various skeletal-muscular diseases. PRP plays an important role in problems related to women's health and infertility, that have remained a major troublesome clinical problem, despite various treatments. In this article, we reviewed the therapeutic different uses of PRP in the field of women's health.
  • Methods: At ISI -Scopus-Pub med-Medline- Google Scholar databases, we examined 31 studies conducted in the years 1978-2023 regarding the usage of PRP in women's health and infertility.
  • Results: PRP is as a growing and robust therapeutic option in medicine that although the efficacy of PRP as a treatment method has not yet been definitively proven, and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved PRP injection as a treatment method, but many cases of recovery have been seen in different patients. PRP can solve problems related to women's health and infertility in two ways: PRP of ovaries and uterus. PRP injection into the ovary is used to rejuvenate the ovary and improve its function in various cases including: treatment of premature ovarian failure syndrome and improvement of ovarian reserves in order to restoring fertility in women with early menopause or women with low ovarian reserve or infertile due to hormonal problems. Uterine PRP can stimulate the production of new tissue in the uterus with its growth factors. Then it increases the endometrial thickness and improves pregnancy outcomes in various cases including: Increase the chances of fertility success in in women that are suffering from unexplained recurrent implantation failures (RIFs) and repeated pregnancy loss (RPL) undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, treatment and increase fertility in patients with hypoplasia endometrial (especially in cases where the endometrium does not grow with medication), chronic endometritis, endometriosis and Asherman syndrome, also improvement of complications after surgery and after abortion. In patients with a history of RIF-RPL in IVF cycles , PRP is usually performed 36-48 hours before embryo transfer. It is important to note that failure of infertility treatment methods depends on several factors such as chromosomal disorders, embryo transfer technique, uterine problems, etc.; So, as a rule, using only one treatment method cannot solve this problem and significantly increase the chances of fertility success. Research shows that the use of uterine PRP only affects the uterine endometrium. Another advantage of PRP is that no synthetic material is used and it does not cause immune system reactions against the injected material. In addition, it has a short recovery period and is not invasive.
  • Conclusion: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can be a promising therapeutic solution in women with women with uterine and ovarian problems and become the basis for increasing the chance of reproductive success in them.
  • Keywords: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) - women – Infertility