• Empowering Oral Delivery of Peptides/Proteins: The Nanoparticle Revolution
  • Afsaneh Farjami,1,*

  • Introduction: Protein polypeptides may be chemically altered to increase membrane permeability, decrease immunogenicity, decrease bioactivity, and boost absorption via the small intestine. It enhances drug absorption and GI toxicity but shows limited protein specificity. The mucosal adhesion system may increase bioavailability and prolong protein and polypeptide medicine retention, but it is unable to increase oral permeability or stop small intestine mucosa cleansing. This article aims to offer an overview of Nanoparticle-based delivery platforms for the enhanced oral delivery of peptides/proteins.
  • Methods: A literature search was conducted on Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science up to August 2023 for this purpose. We performed a title/abstract/keywords search for "Oral delivery,” " biopharmaceuticals," " proteins," “peptides," “nanoparticles” and “cells”.
  • Results: The findings showed that the most studied oral administration method uses NPs. Because of their complexity, NPs need expensive preparation and challenging expansion. The perfect combination of ingredients has not been found because of loading capacity, loading style, and drug physicochemical properties. One of the hottest topics in TPP drug delivery technology has been oral administration as the optimal method of delivery. Given that several protein polypeptide types exist, there is no one optimum oral delivery method. . For clinical use, it is anticipated to develop an oral delivery system for polypeptides and proteins. Protein medications are protected from GI tract digestive enzymes by the stable structure of NPs. Additionally, NPs have the ability to gradually modulate drug release, which may increase the duration of an impact. But there are still issues. First, oral protein NPs have a low bioavailability. Second, the evaluation of oral therapeutic protein NPs was limited to rabbits and mice, and the results were not applicable to people. High-dose protein NPs may have long-term advantages, but they can cause the GI environment and GI epithelial cells to undergo mitosis.
  • Conclusion: The information is finally completely incorporated and put to use after the GI tract's mechanism, the absorption barrier, and the process of protein polypeptide absorption are understood. Huge computers will plan the release and absorption of medications in various locations based on NPs.
  • Keywords: Oral delivery, biopharmaceuticals, proteins, peptides, nanoparticles, cells