• The effect of recombinant nanomedicine of 5-fluorouracil and sodium butyrate on microRNA let7 on mcf7 breast cancer cell line
  • Zahra Hossein Ahmadi,1,* Homa Mohseni Kouchesfehani,2 Ronak Heydarian,3
    1. MSC student, Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
    2. Professor, Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
    3. Ph.D student, Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

  • Introduction: The treatment for certain cancers requires the use of recombinant drugs. The majority of patients eventually acquire treatment resistance, and new mutations render old treatments ineffective, as a result of our glacial pace in designing and executing clinical trials for effective medications and the tsunami-grow like development of cancer. The aim of this study was to enhance one of the drugs that caused significant resistance in individuals with breast cancer and combine it with another component in ordering to increase its efficacy.
  • Methods: The effects of sodium butyrate and 5-fluorouracil nanomedicine on the mcf7 cell line were investigated with a focus on Mir Let7 using MTT assay and real-time PCR. The cells were exposed to nanomedicine using the MTT method for 24, 48, and 72 hours, and then the Real-time PCR method was used to assess the expression level
  • Results: Previous research has identified Mir-let7 as one of the breast cancer indicators. This microRNA functions as a tumor suppressor in the cell, inhibiting tumor cell migration and proliferation as well as decreasing the expression of Mir let7 in these cells.
  • Conclusion: The outcomes demonstrated a notable dose-dependent increase in miR-let7.
  • Keywords: 5fu,Sodium Butyrate ,MirLet7 ,Mcf7, 5Fluorouracil