• Determining the inhibitory dose of Actinomycete bacteria extract on the osteogenic potential of adipose mesenchymal stem cells
  • metanat safari,1,* Hanieh Jalali,2 Ensieh SalehGhamari,3 Latifeh Karimadeh,4
    1. Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
    2. Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
    3. Department of Cell and Molecular Sciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

  • Introduction: Aim and background: Actinomycete bacteria (Ac) is a suitable source for the production of anti-bacteria, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agents. Adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) are multipotent stem cells that have the ability to regenerate bone damages. In the current study, we aimed to determine inhibitory dose of a new Ac extract on the osteogenic potential of rat ADMSCs.
  • Methods: Materials and Method: Ac was collected from Garmsar region of Iran and cultivated in 25 pages in the basic culture medium and extracted using ethyl acetate solvent. ADMSCs were isolated from fat tissue of Wistar rats and cultured in DMEM-F12 medium supplemented by 10 % FBS and 1% antibiotics. For osteogenic differentiation, ADMSCs were cultured in the presence of induction factors and Ac extract applied to cells at a concentration of 10 and 20 μg/ml for 21 days. Alizarin red staining and alkaline phosphatase assay were used to measure osteogenic differentiation.
  • Results: Results: The results of alizarin red staining and ALP assay revealed that Ac had inhibitory effect of osteogenic differentiation of ADMSCs at concentration of 20 μg/ml (p > 0.05) in compare to 10 μg/ml.
  • Conclusion: Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that Ac had a dose-dependent effect on the osteogenic potential of ADMSCs that should be considered in its applications.
  • Keywords: Keywords: Actinomycetes, Adipose Mesenchymal stem cells, Bone, Osteogenesis