• The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Sample Preparation of Biomarkers Related to Human Diseases
  • Samin Hamidi,1,*
    1. Food and Drug Safety Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

  • Introduction: Measuring clinically important biomarkers is critical for understanding disease progression and conducting clinical trials. However, the complexity of biological fluids makes analyzing trace biomarkers challenging. Magnetic solid phase extraction has recently emerged as a promising approach for sample preparation due to its magnetic separation, versatile surface chemistry, and environmental friendliness.
  • Methods: This review summarizes recent advances in using magnetic materials for biomarker extraction and analysis in clinical applications. It aims to highlight the potential of magnetic solid phase extraction to improve sensitivity and selectivity for biomarker detection.
  • Results: Relevant literature on magnetic materials for clinical biomarker sample preparation and analysis was systematically reviewed. Key findings on synthesis strategies, surface modifications, and applications were summarized. Recent studies demonstrate magnetic extraction can selectively isolate biomarkers from complex clinical samples like plasma, serum, and urine. Magnetic nanomaterials with tailored surface chemistry allowed clinically relevant limits of detection. Examples include cancer biomarkers, neurotransmitters, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Conclusion: Magnetic solid phase extraction shows significant promise for improving clinical biomarker analysis. Continued research on novel magnetic materials and surface modifications is warranted. This review provides insights for those aiming to develop magnetic extraction protocols for sensitive, selective clinical diagnostics.
  • Keywords: Biomarkers, Magnetic nanoparticles, Sample preparation, Clinical diagnostics, Magnetic solid phase e