• applicaton of spirulina in beauty and cosmetics
  • shokouheskandarinazhad,1,*

  • Introduction: For several years, the word spirulina has been well known, especially in the world of food and feed. This cyanobacterium consists of "B" group vitamins, iron and protein, which makes it a food supplement or another raw material in avant-garde restaurant dishes.Its popularity has been such that it is being called a new "superfood" due to its richness in nutrients such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, niacin, and those already named. In addition, it has also been used as a treatment for weight loss and obesity, treatment of diabetes or high cholesterol, although this has been scientifically rejected by the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Methods: we use microalrea_spirulina plantensis_water_zarrouks medium calture_NAHCO3_HEATER_PLATES for medium calture_lLED lightes_sonication_labratory instrumentes
  • Results: As reviewed in this article, the commercial algae spirulina is a potential biological component For the development of effective and safe cosmetics. In recent years, the benefits of skin care Algae products are investigated by academic researchers and various commercial companies in this active field has taken. As reviewed in this article, the commercial algae spirulina is a potential biological component For the development of effective and safe cosmetics. In recent years, the benefits of skin care Algae products are investigated by academic researchers and various commercial companies in this active field has taken.
  • Conclusion: Therefore, these products may be used topically as a booster and preventative. And in sunscreen and anti-wrinkle creams for , to treat skin disorders and achieve wound healing benefits Despite recent developments, this issue needs to be addressed Venice should be studied in more depth than cosmetic products based on Improve spirulina algae in the long term. Spirulina algae may exhibit antimicrobial activity in the treatment of microbial and bacterial skin diseases. As a result, it is in both cosmetic and skin fields More research is needed on the antimicrobial activity of algae in the skin. Therefore: the use of spirulina algae in cosmetics: Currently, various products based on materials derived from the sea have been marketed for different purposes. These substances have various properties, including anti-aging properties, skin whitening and moisturizing, food supplements, treatment of skin and hair disorders, and ultraviolet rays filter. Green Sea provides products based on seaweed, which includes spirulina capsules and edible capsules, and these products will increase over time.
  • Keywords: spirulina_spirulinaplantensis_pigmentes_picociyanin_beauty_cosmetic_microalgea_algea