• Mesenchymal steam cell exosomes for cancer therapy; insights and challenges
  • Masoud Kaboutari jazimagh,1,* Mahdi Arfaei,2
    1. Nanobiotechnology Research Center, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran.
    2. Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran.

  • Introduction: One of the recent cancer treatment methods that has gained significant attention in recent years is therapy through mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells can serve as a suitable therapeutic approach for eliminating cancer by carrying drugs through exosomes, facilitating easier entry into the tumor microenvironment, and establishing communication with cancer cells.
  • Methods: This study was conducted on the subject of the role of mesenchymal stem cell for cancer therapy, by collecting content from Science Direct, Springer, Google Scholar, and PubMed sites.
  • Results: The results of various studies have shown that destroying the vascularization of cancer cells before complete cessation of the cancer cell cycle can lead to further growth of cancer cells. This is because they no longer face hindrance and can even thrive in low-oxygen environments. Mesenchymal stem cells, by utilizing the constructed vasculature of cancer cells as a gateway to reach the innermost regions of the tumor microenvironment and delivering drug-loaded exosomes, which in this case have higher toxicity towards cancer cells, can be a more focused area of investigation. Further research into the vascularization of cancer cells and drug-loaded exosomes can receive more attention in cancer therapy.
  • Conclusion: In conclusion, various methods have been introduced and tested for cancer treatment, among which mesenchymal cells, with easy access to the tumor microenvironment and bidirectional interaction with cancer cells, can act like a double-edged sword.
  • Keywords: cancer, mesenchymal stem cells, toxicity.