• Carbon nanotubes in treatment and drug delivery review article
  • Mahdieh Taheri,1 Saman Hakimian,2,*
    1. B.sc student of Chemistry,Islamic Asad,University Central Tehran Branch,Iran,Tehran
    2. M.sc student of Pathogenic Microbes Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch

  • Introduction: Carbon nanotube(CNT)has a wide rang of applications in clouding physics,chemistry and materials sciences(CNT)were discovered in 1991 by lijima.CNTs with attractive physico chemical characteristics such as high surface area,mechanical strength,functionality,and electrical/thermal conductivity have been widely studied in different fields of science. CNTs have been synthesized using various natural hydrocarbon precursors,including plant extracts essential oils,biodiesel,milk honey,and eggs,among others. Researchers should embrace the usage of natural and renewable precursors as well as greener methods to produce various types of CNTs in large quantities with the advantages of cost_effectiveness and environ mentally benign features.CNTs it be longs to the fullerenes family and is categorized in to single_walled carbon Nanotubes(SWNTs)or multi walled carbon nanotubes(MWNTs).Single_walled(SW)and multi_walled(MW)carbon nanotubes(CNTs)Ara two main categories of CNTs,based on the number of graphene sheets comprising the cylindrical tube.These cylindrical nanostuctures can be employed for various pharmaceutical and biomedical applications owing to their distinct physical chemical properties and multiple functionalization capabilities.CNTs are flexible and elasticand are very strong.These matenals have high electrical reaction.They have a significant chemical reaction.Nanotubes in nanotechnology are among the materials that are being considered in cancer and are being developed.Carbon nanotubes are nanometer_sized cylinders that consist exclusively of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice.Diamonds are commonly known as stable and inert material.
  • Methods: CNTs with good penetrability,nano_needle shapes,hollow monolithic structures,optico_electrical properties,and high drug loading capacity have shown promising applicability for targeted cancer therapy,photo thermal ablation,and drug/gene delivery. Various treatment options have emerged in the past century for treating cancer.These include surgery,chemotherapy,radiation,immunotherapy,hormone therapy,genetherapy,photothermal therapy,photodynamic therapy,etc.However surgery,chemotherapy,radiation therapy,and their combinations still remain the first lines of cancer treatment.Cancer is caused by unregulated proliferation of cells and chemotherapy targets to kill these cells.conventional chemotherapeutic agents fail to distinguish between cancer and normal cells and thus systemic administration of cancer chemotherapy leads to off_target adverse effects.
  • Results: The next step of carrying a drug to the target site is releasing the drug from the nanocarries.Smart nanocarries made from different stimuli_responsive materials can successfully do this.
  • Conclusion: Endogenous stimuli in crude low PH,hypoxia,redox reactions,and high enzymatic activity.Studies have demon strated the efficacy of CNTs in anticancer drug delivery
  • Keywords: Hypoxia ,CNT, gene therapy,flexible