• Animal ethics in Biology labratory
  • Faezeh Sadat Kermani,1,*
    1. Islamic Azad university of Roudehen

  • Introduction: In this essay i would like to speak about animal testing that found to how affected to the humans health
  • Methods: Some company use another way replace this for example they use computers data or human testing and another in anyway the ethicet is so important to them on top of that we should try to dont destroyed our environment and do our best about treat a good with it
  • Results: Lets begin by looking the computers data today the technology is progress more and more Computing techniques such as machine learning can translate animal data to human data and integrate data from multiple human clinical trials. Ultimately, computer models are not just a more humane alternative to animal studies; they are potentially “faster, cheaper, and more accurate,”
  • Conclusion: we should respect to animals
  • Keywords: animal testing