• Apoptosis in the fight against invasive cancer cells with the help of herbal bioactives
  • Yasamin Sanati Sichani,1 Kimia Rajabi,2,*
    1. 1. Yasamin Sanati Sichani, bachelor student of plant biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences and Technologies, University of Isfahan, Iran
    2. 2. Kimia Rajabi, bachelor student of Physiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences and Technologies, University of Isfahan, Iran

  • Introduction: Considering the prevalence of cancer in most countries of the world, A variety of treatment methods have been widely used for cancer. Cancer cells disrupt the regulation of the cell cycle by their abnormal proliferation and growth and sometimes metastasize. To reduce the lethal effect of these invasive cells, it is necessary to seek recovery and treatment as soon as possible. One of the new treatment methods for cancer is Car T-cell therapy. This method can provide chimeric antigen receptors on T cells in the blood that diagnose cancerous tumors. It sometimes causes death. Other methods used such as Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and cell therapy have many side effects for cancer patients. For this reason, to improve the condition of patients who have a hard time tolerating the side effects of chemical drugs, they use natural drugs such as herbal extracts that are obtained according to various laboratory processes. Plants contain several classes of phytochemicals, including tannins, saponins, phenols, flavonoids, and alkaloids. These substances can have antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.
  • Methods: Data for this review article were collected from 40 published articles in Full-text forms (original, review, and case reports/series studies) obtained from Science Direct, PubMed, Elsevier, and Google Scholar from 2019 to April 2023. Data and articles that were far from the desired sub-topic were removed.
  • Results: Herbal medicines in cancer treatment should act in such a way that they affect DNA synthesis or cell mitosis. In this way, they prevent or stop the formation of DNA and the start of mitosis in the cell cycle to prevent the growth and proliferation of malignant and mutated cells and cause them to decrease. Also, herbal medicines cause apoptosis (programmed cell death) which is an essential physiological process in the cell.
  • Conclusion: Bioactive molecules play an essential role in the apoptosis of cancer cells. Antioxidants that are produced naturally in the human body, and even antioxidants that we get as supplements and nutrition, play an important role in the health of the human body and inhibit cancerous tumors. We can use all the parts of some medicinal plants such as turmeric, garlic, aloe vera, and rosemary, as well as the oil and extract obtained from them, as well as the ethanol obtained from the seeds of some plants, for treatment. we hope to eradicate such diseases with herbal medicines.
  • Keywords: cancer, herbal medicines, bioactive, cytotoxic