• Evaluation of Heavy Metals (Pb & Cd) in natural clay used in grape juice processing
  • saied raieszadeh,1,* behrooz akbri,2 morteza mohamadzadeh moqadam,3 mehdi karimi,4 maryam ramzani,5 akbar hajali,6
    1. Food and Drug Organization- gonabad medical university
    2. Professor, Food and Drug Laboratory Research Center, Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran
    3. Food and Drug Organization gonabad
    5. Food and Drug Organization- gonabad medical university
    6. Food and Drug Organization- gonabad medical university

  • Introduction: Natural clay with the scientific name of bentonite is found in mineral areas in volcanic ash of Iran. Bentonite is a special type of granular clay that is a product of volcanic ash, which contains 08% of Montmorillonite 4 Si8 Al4o2 (OH) 4, nH2o mineral clayThis decolorizing soil reduces red color, reduces chlorophyll, breaks down peroxide and reduces oxidation products such as aldehydes, columns, hydrocarbons and increases the oxidative resistance of oil, absorbs soap and phosphatides and also absorbs heavy metals in the oil. Grape juice has been shown to reduce the acidity of grape juice. Studies have shown that the use of natural clay used in the traditional production of grape juice causes significant amounts of salts to enter the final product, which in the long run can be for the consumer.
  • Methods: Sultani acid method was used to measure the amount of lead and cadmium in the soil. The concentrations of cadmium and lead in the final solution were read using a PG990 atomic absorption spectrometer.
  • Results: Laboratory results determined the mean lead concentration was 41 ppm and the mean cadmium concentration was 0.1 ppm, which is lower than the EPA standard limit. Comparison of means in different sources did not show a significant difference.
  • Conclusion: According to the results of laboratory analysis and statistical analysis, the amount of heavy metals in the above soil is in accordance with the standard. Is more.
  • Keywords: Natural clay, sap, heavy metals, grape juice