• Symmetry study of dermatoglyphic patterns in the first phalanx thumb of left and right hand in a population of Persian women with rheumatoid arthritis living in Razavi Khorasan province
  • Mohammadreza Pourmohammad,1 Jina Khayatzadeh,2,* Bibi Fatemeh Mazloum,3 Naser mahdavi shahri,4 Maryam tehranipour,5
    1. Department of medical parasitology, faculty of paramedicine, Ilam University of medical science, Ilam,Iran
    2. Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
    3. Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
    4. Department of Biology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
    5. Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran

  • Introduction: Symmetry has emerged as a morphological-anthropometric feature in order to establish the body's axes during the embryonic period. Dermatoglyphic is a science that deals with the correct and fundamental study of the skin lines on the palms, feet, and fingertips. Study of the asymmetry and status of dermatoglyphic patterns in the fingers can be related to the occurrence of disorders such as cancers and syndromes and chromosomal and non-chromosomal diseases. Since the relationship between the arrangements of the lines of the fingertips has been proven in some diseases such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, asthma, etc. Analysis of the type of skin lines is used as a research-diagnostic method in medicine for the early recognition of many diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis is an unknown chronic inflammatory injury which can involve all body joints. The early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is important in the treatment of this disease.
  • Methods: In this paper we attempt to investigate the possibility of asymmetry existence in different skin lines of first finger hint phalange of women suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. For this purpose, the print of first phalange of the left and right hand finger hint of 37 women suffering from joint rheumatoid and 79 healthy Persian women were obtained with scanner in province of Razavi Khorasan. To evaluate symmetry in line numeration of patients finger hint, we have used dependent t-test, while in qualitative studies of fingertip patterns, we have applied X2 test.
  • Results: Results show that there isn't a significant correlation between fingertip patterns and hand direction. In other word, distribution of fingertip pattern in right and left hands of patients are the same. The maximum frequency of dermatoglyphic pattern was reported in both groups Loop, Whorls and Arches, respectively. A significant difference was observed between the average line numeration in the first phalanx of the right and left thumb of patients compared to healthy people.
  • Conclusion: Generally, we can conclude that establishment of the present study, developing basic dermatoglyphic science, is useful in the prognosis and therapeutic programming of diseases.
  • Keywords: Biometry, dermatoglyphic, Symmetry Gauge, rheumatoid arthritis