• Transferring mitochondria as a surviving agent from Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to differentiated cells by tunneling nanotubes (TNTs)
  • Amirhossein Kohantorabi,1,* Mohadese Jedi,2
    1. Department of medical laboratory sciences, Faculty of Paramedicine, Ahvaz university of medical sciences
    2. Department of medical laboratory sciences, Faculty of Paramedicine, Sabzevar university of medical sciences

  • Introduction: Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent cells that possess properties such as self-renewal, differentiation potential, and migration to other sites of the body. This migration is intended for various purposes. One of these is the migration to heal the damaged cells by injecting them with a survival factor. This injection is facilitated through tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) that have some types like closed-end and opened-end ones. Tunneling nanotubes are F-actin-based connections between animal cells and transporting various cellular cargoes. They were discovered approximately 18 years ago and are capable of transporting nuclear components, macromolecules, and organelles like mitochondria. Mitochondria, known as the cell powerhouse, serve as the survival agent for damaged cells. It also has many roles in a big area of LIFE including essential metabolisms for construction and death order for destruction. Stem cells transfer mitochondria to these cells using tunneling nanotubes, allowing them to reestablish vital metabolic processes such as oxidation phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and the death cascade.
  • Methods: Research purposes: Many studies have been conducted on stem cells and their abilities for regenerative medicine and cancer therapy, the mechanisms, and their capabilities. There are some varieties of stem cells that originate from different organs and various stages of evolution such as the embryo stage and the adult stage. Given the current focus on this field of medical science, we are intrigued by the healing secrets that lie within cycle mechanisms, chemical pathways, and specific organelles like mitochondria. This study shows the relationship between sending mitochondria to the damaged or repair-need-target cells from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) by TNTs and surviving action of these mitochondria in the target cells. We emphasize on the surviving act of these bacteria-derived within the new host cell.
  • Results: After MSCs migrate and settle in the target site, chemical signals are required to be received from damaged cells and sent by stem cells. Cell-to-cell communication is vital for bigger effects like repairing and regenerating the injured tissue. There are some routes between cells to communicate with each other such as gap junctions, exosomes, secreted microRNAs, and tunneling nanotubes (TNTs). De novo F-actin-based tunnels grow up towards the cell intention for connecting to the target cell. These tunnels are going to be the highways for transporting healing factors to the damaged cells. The mitochondria of the MSCs in the target cells play essential roles in reviving and reprogramming the vital cycles of important molecules like ATP and calcium ions.
  • Conclusion: Animal models and human clinical trials show the successful implementation of MSCs from both human and non-human derived ones to repair damaged tissue clearly. The MSCs are collected from many sources such as bone marrow (BM), placenta, amnion, umbilical cord (UC), cord blood (CB), and peripheral blood (PB). These MSCs are migrating to the damaged tissue and have many effects on the targeted cells like releasing cytokines and immunomodulatory agents, transferring organelles to restore natural cell functions, and differentiation into target-like cells. These steps contribute to tissue regeneration, a topic extensively discussed in regenerative medicine. It is hoped that these studies will lead to the development of genetically modified mesenchymal stem cells that can specifically repair and revive thousands of different types of cells at the cellular and molecular levels.
  • Keywords: Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC), Tunneling nanotube (TNT), Mitochondria, Regenerative medicine