• Effect of lifestyle modification on menopause symptoms: A systematic review study
  • Nasim Sadat Pajohanfar,1,* Saeede Mehrabadi,2
    1. Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine, Student workgroup of Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran.
    2. Department of Midwifery, School of medical, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran

  • Introduction: Menopause is a significant change in women's mid-life that comes with various symptoms. These symptoms vary and negatively affect their quality of life, including vasomotor, physical, and physiological problems. There are a large number of studies that suggest the effects of lifestyle modifications on the reduction of menopausal symptoms.
  • Methods: The research strategy involved general and specific English and Persian terms of menopause and lifestyle modifications with all possible search combinations. A review was conducted on studies that were published between 2000 to 2023 and that were indexed in the English databases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Persian databases Iran Medex, SID, and Magiran
  • Results: In total, (3 Cross-sectional, 5 Clinical trials) were included based on the study criteria. All studies were evaluated based on the STROBE index. Our analysis showed that lifestyle modifications could help reduce menopausal-related symptoms such as osteoporosis risk, obesity-related morbidity, and urogenital and vasomotor problems. There was one study that suggested there is no relationship between walking and menopause symptoms.
  • Conclusion: The results of most studies showed a positive relationship between lifestyle modifications and menopause. While a study has reported conflicting results. Therefore, it is highly recommended that further studies should be conducted in this area.
  • Keywords: menopause, lifestyle modification, menopause symptoms