• Title: Insight to Monkey pox disease , treatment and vaccination
  • Maryam aschari,1 Saman Hakimian,2,*
    1. Bachelor of Laboratory Sciences, Alborz University of Medical Sciences , Tehran , Abolrz , Karaj , Iran
    2. M.sc student of Microbiology Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch,Iran,Tehrantehran

  • Introduction: Introduction: Monkey pox is a common disease between humans and animals. Monkeypox virus was first isolated in late 1985 from a colony of cynomolgus monkeys. Between 1960 and 1968, several other outbreaks were reported in monkey colonies in the United States and the Netherlands, but no human cases were observed during these outbreaks. The first case of this disease in humans was found in 1970. This case occurred in a 9-month-old boy who started with fever and developed a centrifugal rash after 2 days. The patient presented with otitis, mastoiditis and painful lymph nodes in the neck, and monkey pox virus was isolated from his skin lesions.
  • Methods: Material methods: He recovered from monkeypox, but before discharge developed measles, which resulted in his death. In 2003, the first cases outside of Africa were reported. These cases occurred in the United States and were associated with the importation of Gambian possums from Ghana into Texas In 2018, five infected patients were identified: three in the UK, one in Israel and one in Singapore. These cases were related to the arrival of people from Nigeria. Monkey pox virus belongs to family Poxviridae, subfamily Chordopoxvirinae and genus orthopoxvirus. This genus includes many other poxviruses, including poxviruses, vaccinia, cowpox, and camelpox, as well as recently isolated poxviruses. These double-stranded DNA viruses are genetically and antigenically very similar, which confers cross-immunity. Lesions often occur on the palms and soles, a feature that distinguishes monkeypox from chickenpox.
  • Results: Results: This disease is more severe in children and pregnant women. Monkeypox usually follows a self-limiting course, but clinical sequelae, including pitting facial scars, are common.
  • Conclusion: Conclusion: All lesions are usually in the same stage of development, another characteristic that distinguishes monkeypox from other diseases with skin manifestations such as chickenpox. Patients are often itchy. The severity of the symptoms and the duration of the disease are proportional to the density of the skin lesions.
  • Keywords: Key words: Monkey pox Virus Follow up Clinical