• Insight to Rota virus disease and treatment
  • Anahita oboudi,1 saman hakimian,2,*
    1. Bachelor of Microbiology Zand Shiraz Non-Profit University
    2. M.Sc student of Microbiology Islamic Azad. University Central Tehran, Branch,Iran, Tehran

  • Introduction: Rota virus is the leading cause of severe eaten diarrhea worldwide. Despite the global introduction ofvaccinations for rotavirus over a decade ago, rotavirus infections Still Result in >200.00 deaths annually, mastry in low- income countries Rotavirus primavily infects enterocytes and induces diarrhea Through the destruction of absorptive enterocytes. leading to malabsorption intestand section secretion stimulated by rotavirus of the non structural plotein 4 and activation
  • Methods: nervous system. is associated with substantial hospitalizations and healthcare Rotavirus deaths among children andel causes be large expenditures throughoutAsia enterre Safe and effective Rotavirus vaccines could substantially reduce the A burden at disease. the 15 years since rotavirus vaccine. was introduced the number of laboratory detected rotavirus infectios has been consistently lower them during the prevaccine era. During the cavid-19 Pandemic, rotavirus activity.
  • Results: was suppressed there may be many rotavirus susceptible. children during the 2021-2022 rotavirus sengan Rotavirus vaccines are 78% effective in preventing hospitalizations.
  • Conclusion: energy emergency department vistis due to rotavirus diarrhea among children <5 years in the US.
  • Keywords: Rota viruse, viral, Treatment, diesease,vaccines