• A review of ganarene and respiratory skin burns
  • pardis,1 Saman Hakimian,2,*
    1. Bachelor student of microbiology at Azad Karaj University , Alborz , Iran
    2. M.sc student of Microbiology Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch,Iran,Tehran

  • Introduction: Gangre is clinical condition of ischemic and necrotic tissues. The three main types of gangrene are wet gangrene, dry gangrene, and gas gangrene.The cause of gangrene maybe a bacterium called clostridium perfringe And for gas gangrene is the cause of clostridium septicum,clostridium sordellii . The spread of gangrene around the world shows that this disease is increasing in America, Turkey, and Germany. Fortunately, gangrene can be treated and with timely and quick diagnosis, the death of these people can be prevented. the pathogenesis of gas gangrene. Although several theories have been proposed to explain the pathologies, it is the general consensus that the local and systemic manifestations of gas gangrene are, in fact, related to the elaboration of potent extracellular protein toxins.
  • Methods: The classic features of gas gangrene caused by Clostridium perfringens type A can be attributed to the action of potent extracellular bacterial toxins on host cell function. Both α- and θ-toxins contribute to the progression of vascular injury and tissue destruction through their ability to prime leukocyte functional activity and to stimulate soluble and cell-associated proadhesive molecule expression in both leukocytes and endothelial cells. The chapter describes one physiological mechanism—that is, direct inhibition of myocardial contractility, whereby phospholipase C mediates cardiovascular collapse. Thus, therapeutic strategies directed against bacterial toxin activity in vivo, such as neutralization of toxins with specific antibodies or inhibition of toxin synthesis with antibiotics, are valuable adjuncts to traditional antimicrobial regimens.
  • Results: The pathogenesis of gangrene following intra-arterial injection of drugs is unclear. Clinical reports and this experiment suggest that it only follows injection of highly membrane-soluble drugs. Early swelling and disruption of capillary endothelial cells were demonstrated after intra-arterial injection of diazepam and thiopentone
  • Conclusion: We believe that a theory of pathogenesis based on this finding is consistent not only with our experimental findings, but with known in vitro effects of membrane soluble drugs on cell membranes and the clinical features following intra-arterial injections in both human subjects and in animals.
  • Keywords: gas gangrene. closridium perfringe. pathologies