• Post-Covid 19 Consequences on the Physical, Mental, and Social Well-being of Post-covid Patients, Mechanism of Complications, and Strategies for Prevention
  • Karen Simona Rodrigues,1,* Narges Pazouki,2 Saman Hakimian,3 Siavash Hosseinpour Chermahini,4
    1. The University of Georgia, School of health sciences and public health, Tbilisi, Georgia.
    2. The University of Georgia, School of health sciences and public health, Tbilisi, Georgia.
    3. M.sc student of Microbiology Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch,Iran,Tehran
    4. The University of Georgia, School of health sciences and public health, Tbilisi, Georgia.

  • Introduction: People who have recovered from covid-19 but are still reporting long-term consequences of the illness are referred to as having "long covid." This review will collect pre-existing literature and summarize the outcomes of Covid-19 on the physical, mental, and social well-being of post-covid patients, the mechanism of these complications, and potential prevention strategies.
  • Methods: The studies have been identified through PubMed searches based on WHO definition of health and well-being.
  • Results: According to the research articles, in terms of Physical health, multiple organ systems showed various complications. In the mental health, many patients reported a significant decline in mental health. The Covid-19 pandemic has also altered how people connect with one another particularly in terms of social health. The pathophysiology of physical health dysfunction is said to be of multifactorial etiology, whereas in terms of mental health, the unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdown and economic collapse that followed and social health complication post-COVID-19 situation is seen because the social support typically received had been significantly disrupted.
  • Conclusion: The physical, mental, and social wellbeing of patients have been disrupted by prior Covid-19, according to numerous findings that had been published. We may have more unforeseen issues as time goes on as a result of this pandemic. It is imperative to fully understand COVID-19's long-term implications on health in order to enhance each survivor's quality of life. This will make it possible to provide preventive measures for physical, mental, and social health in a responsible and timely manner.
  • Keywords: Health, Post-Covid, Complications, Management, Prevention