• Genetic evolution Ophiocordyceps unilateralis
  • Siamak Amirtaheri afshar,1,*

  • Introduction: The common name of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis(O.unilateralis) is "zombie-ant fungi" who discover this fungi in 1859 by Alfred Russsel Wallace,base on many reasch done in this fungi they infected hardly in different species even in one family.by natural they never can be effected in complex species like human and whale because many reason like temperature of each species is different by each other and the temperature of O.unilateralis for feeding and coloning is 15 centigrad for that case they unable to infected a complex species. However for some reason of Gene expression they could move a body without any control by host and this movement can be observe for who hadn’t any connection for them hands or legs ,we can use this fungi to discover of genes which they are silencing and needs to expression one more time to recovery a neuron of that part of body for cure a person who paralysis. We try evolution O.unilateralis by filling one lack of O.unilateralis with Crispr-Cas9 method in bioinformatic field to improve this fungi for more complex species to figure out which gene in complex species is expression and how it would be worked.
  • Methods: Crispr-Cas9 method in bioinformatic field
  • Results: O.unilateralis has some weakness like lack of toxin to defined complex immune system or need strength heat resistance to able live in all hosts body, for heat resistance we use crRNA-Cas9 to knock-in trehalose gene and make a another wall from glass to protect wall-cell from high heat.
  • Conclusion: In this process, we intend to use the evolution of the zombie fungus on other species to find out how genes are expressed and how this process works in order to gain a better understanding of the expression of complex genes in complex species such as humans. May we succeed in finding genes that are no longer able to be expressed and express them again in order to improve the medical industry and achieve progress that will never exist again, and this mushroom will help us in understanding muscle and nerve coding genes. It was that if we get a correct understanding of the expression of human nerve and muscle genes, we will be able to make the human organs move again.
  • Keywords: Crispr_Cas9 – bioinformatic – Gene expression – Genetic-fungal virulence – trehalose-carbon metaboli