• An Overview on Applications of Exosome-Loaded Hydrogels as New Class of Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering
  • Ahmad Reza Farmani1*,1,* mozhgan jirehnezhadyan,2 Hamidreza Ghaderi Jafarbeigloo1,3 Arash Goodarzi1,4 Zahra Abpeikar1,5 Mohsen Safaei1,6
    1. 1Tissue Engineering Department, School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine, Fasa University of Medical Sciences, Fasa, Iran.
    2. 1Tissue Engineering Department, School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine, Fasa University of Medical Sciences, Fasa, Iran.
    4. 1Tissue Engineering Department, School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine, Fasa University of Medical Sciences, Fasa, Iran.
    5. 1Tissue Engineering Department, School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine, Fasa University of Medical Sciences, Fasa, Iran.
    6. 1Tissue Engineering Department, School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine, Fasa University of Medical Sciences, Fasa, Iran.

  • Introduction: Background: Exosomes are nanometer extracellular vesicles that have found many applications in drug delivery and tissue engineering. However, the need for a carrier for their targeted local release is very felt. On the other hand, considering the biocompatibility and many applications of hydrogels in tissue engineering, it seems that the use of exosome-containing hydrogels can be a new approach in the construction of scaffolds for use in various tissue engineering.
  • Methods: Materials and Methods: In this review, PubMed, ISI Web of Science, Google scholar and SCOPUS databases were searched for studies published up to September 2023 related to “An Overview on Applications of Exosome-Loaded Hydrogels as New Class of Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering” were addressed.
  • Results: Results: The review of studies shows that due to the presence of many bioactive factors in exosomes, as well as their favorable local release and other advantages of hydrogels, such as their use in the preparation of injectable biomaterials, hydrogels loaded with exosomes are widely used. They are found in wound healing, bone tissue engineering, and nerve regeneration. In this study, an attempt has been made to review some of the mentioned systems.
  • Conclusion: Conclusion: The conclusion of the study shows that exosome-loaded hydrogels can create a new generation of biomaterials for new tissue engineering applications.
  • Keywords: Keywords: Exosomes, Hydrogels, Scaffolds, Regenerative Medicine.