• Techniques Involved Recombinant DNA And Genetics
  • Afsane Hosseinzadeh,1,* Abolfazl Ghane,2
    1. Science and Arts University
    2. Science and Arts University

  • Introduction: Recombinant DNA technology involves modifying genetic material outside of an organism to achieve improved and desired properties in the organism or as a product. It also includes procedures for analyzing or combining DNA fragments from one or more organisms, including the introduction of ribonucleic acid (rDNA) molecules. It replicates in the cell or integrates into the genome of the target cell. Recombinant DNA technology has many applications in fields as diverse as agriculture, public health, gene therapy, environmental science and pollution research, clinical pharmacy, and hormone and vaccine development. The main point of inquiry in this field is to tentatively investigate the conceivable outcomes of repairing harmed human DNA, mending or improving future human bodies. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the available molecular genetic methods and their capabilities and to provide insights into their application to neuroscientific problems.
  • Methods: The purpose of this article is to describe the tools of recombinant DNA technology and their use for cloning and manipulating DNA constructs. We will first discuss methods for isolating DNA fragments from the genome and other DNA vectors. We then describe molecular cloning: how these isolated fragments are inserted into storage vectors and mass-produced using bacteria. We then describe how DNA fragments or recombinant DNA constructs are purified from other DNA molecules. Finally, we describe the methods for reading the molecular sequence of a DNA construct. After creating and purifying a new DNA construct, a scientist can introduce the construct into different cells or use it to create a genetically altered organism . Intact DNA only occurs in living cells or resting forms (e.g. bacterial spores). As soon as a cell dies, repair of existing damage stops, and enzymatic degradation begins. This means that the acquisition of new genes, such as antibiotic resistance genes from animal feed, is – most likely – a vanishingly rare phenomenon. Furthermore, the simple transfer, integration, and expression of genes is not enough for the spread of genes, rather it is the selection pressure that drives the spread of genes in a particular environment. Once a bacterium acquires a functional gene that confers antibiotic resistance and selective pressure is applied, usually through the therapeutic use of the drug, it is likely that this functional gene will spread and accumulate in the resulting population. Recombinant rDNA technology involves methods of analyzing or combining DNA fragments from one or more organisms , including introducing an rDNA molecule into a cell for replication or integration into the target cell's genome. Advances in molecular biology in the early 1970s, including success in producing and delivering DNA molecules into cells, revolutionized both science and industry. The first genetically modified organisms were bacteria that produced simple proteins of pharmaceutical importance, such as insulin. The development of recombinant DNA technology (also called genetic cloning of gene splicing), a method by which DNA from different biological sources is combined to determine its sequence or manipulate its expression, ushered in and ushered in the era of genetic discovery to the industry. In short, the seven main steps of recombinant DNA technology are: 1) isolation of the DNA 2) cutting the DNA at specific locations 3) isolation of the desired DNA fragment 4) amplification of the gene of interest by PCR 5) binding. Isolation of DNA fragments in vectors 6) Introduction of recombinant DNA into host cells/organisms 7) Production or cultivation of foreign products. Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology has enabled a breakthrough in plant and animal biotechnology. The power of rDNA technology relies on our ability to study and change the function of genes by manipulating and transforming them in plant and animal cells. To achieve this goal, various molecular biology tools are used, including DNA isolation and analysis, molecular cloning, quantification of gene expression, determination of gene copy number, transformation of a suitable host for replication or transfer to crop plants, and analysis of transgenic samples. Installations. In 1982, British geneticist Alex Jeffreys studied small repetitive DNA, a class of DNA sequences that do not encode proteins. By comparing the gel electrophoresis patterns of these DNAs in different people, he made the extraordinary observation that they appeared to be unique to each person. He realized that this would make molecular “fingerprints” much less clear than traditional fingerprints, which have been a mainstay of forensic science for decades. The technique developed was called DNA profiling, also known as DNA fingerprinting or DNA typing. Recently, research on recombinant DNA technology has dominated the biological sciences. This reframes biological problems and possible solutions so that scenarios involving editing the genome and creating a new virus, chromosome, or genetic variant are now commonplace in laboratories. The power of recombinant DNA technology is actually threefold: first, we can completely break down a complex mixture of biological molecules into its individual components; Secondly, we can obtain an unlimited amount of the molecule of interest, and third, we can translate an experimental problem from protein chemistry into the language of nucleic acids, thereby gaining access to a range of experimental techniques including rapid structure destruction primary methods through sequence analysis from nucleotides. For these reasons, recombinant DNA technology has had a profound impact on modern biology, making it possible for the first time to study the molecular genetics of complex eukaryotic systems. As the articles in this issue demonstrate, the potential of these approaches is now also making itself felt in the field of neuroscience. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the available molecular genetic methods and their capabilities and to provide insights into their application to neuroscientific problems. Strategies for molecular cloning Each strategy involves two essential elements: the production of cDNA clones from mRNA and the selection of clones of interest. However, for low-abundance mRNA molecules (0.1% or less of total mRNA), purification is much more difficult, and various strategies have been developed for this purpose. For example, using synthetic oligonucleotides, suitable clones are selected from an “eDNA library,” a collection of clones that come from the entire mRNA population of the tissue. Between these extremes, there are many possible combinations of partial mRNA purification and clonal selection. A good example of such a combined strategy is the recent isolation of tyrosine hydroxylase cDNA clone. Northern Blot can also be used to detect mature cytoplasmic mRNA precursors in nuclear RNA preparations: these appear as less intense and larger bands. However, for many purposes, gel fractionation is not important because hybridization of the labeled probe with mRNA samples bound directly to nitrocellulose (“dot blot”) measures mRNA abundance. Alternatively, the hybridization of DNA or RNA in solution to form a labeled probe allows for a more precise measurement of the abundance of a particular sequence. Each of these techniques can be used to measure changes in the steady-state concentration of cytoplasmic expression of a particular mRNA after disruption, damage, or medical treatment Finally, The cDNA clone can be used to define the structure of the gene encoding the cloned mRNA. A fragment of genomic DNA containing the corresponding gene can be visualized using the Southern blot method. This is the precursor to the Northern blot method. In the Southern blot method, genomic DNA is digested with a restriction enzyme, the fragments are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and transferred to nitrocellulose. Hybridization with a labeled eDNA clone allows the detection of fragments with complementary sequences: in the case of a single-copy gene, only one or two bands are free; A count of more than bands may indicate a family of related genes. For gene isolation, a library of genomic clones is usually screened. The present and the future In the past five years, recombinant DNA techniques have been directly responsible for several important advances in biology, most notably the discovery of intron-exon gene structure and DNA rearrangements in genes encoding immunoglobulins. However, the impact of this technology on neuroscience has been far less comprehensive and largely limited to the characterization of neuropil progenitors. Theoretically, it is possible to obtain an eDNA clone corresponding to any protein, provided that a suitable mRNA source is available and the appropriate clone can be chosen. In practice, the main problems are in the selection of the clones, especially when there is no suitable assay for the protein in question. Another approach to identifying new proteins in the brain is to select eDNA clones from rat brain mRNAs That are expressed in the brain but not in other tissues. In addition to isolating several clones of novel brain proteins, which are currently the subject of intensive research, this strategy led to the identification of a common nucleotide sequence that could act as a marker for brain-specific ~L genesecombinant DNA Formation And Application Recombinant DNA is completed by three different methods: transformation, introduction of a phage, mainly lambda phage, and non bacterial transformation, namely gene gun or microinjection. With recombinant DNA technology, cloning not only allows you to recombine a piece of DNA to encode a specific gene but also manipulate genes to change their regulatory sequence. The coding region can be placed under the control of a promoter and introduced into an expression system, which may be a virus or a bacterium, to observe regulatory changes. Coding regions of recombinant DNA produce proteins with unique properties.The insert has a selectable indicator that allows the identification of recombinant molecules. In a host cell, in which the newly introduced gene dies under the influence of the antibiotic supplied, a host with a vector is found. The vector is inserted into the host cell in a process called transformation. Plasmids are generally used to deliver the gene of interest as a vector, and the methods for isolating them vary depending on the host organism. Based on the phenotypic effect of genes and their location in the chromosome, genes are further divided into subgroups such as simple operons, complex operons, gene regulons, and multiple regulons. Ligation Two types of vectors are used in recombinant DNA research: circular particles such as plasmids and cosmids and linear cloning vectors such as those derived from the bacteriophage lambda. In both cases, to connect the vector to the target DNA fragment, it is first cut with a restriction enzyme that creates ends that are compatible with the ends of the target. Therefore, circular vectors are converted into a linear form before binding to the target. The inserted fragment is then ligated into the prepared vector to create a recombinant molecule that can replicate once introduced into the host cell. The ability of two DNA molecules to join depends on the concentration of their ends; The greater the concentration of compatible ends (those that can be joined), the greater the likelihood that the two ends will meet and be joined. The degree of circulation that occurs in a ligation reaction depends on the concentration of ends of the same molecule that are close enough together to potentially and effectively interact. For any DNA fragment, the concentration depends on the length of the fragment and not on its concentration in the ligation reaction. Packaging of recombinant genomes After ligation of the inserted fragment with the λ arms of the vector and concatemerization of the recombinant λ genomes, the DNA must be encapsulated into the head and tail structures of the phage proteins so that they are fully capable of infecting susceptible cells. coli. This is achieved by adding bound recombinant λ-DNA to a prepared extract containing the enzymatic and structural proteins required for the complete assembly of mature viral particles. The packing mixture is then inoculated with host cells, which allow the formation of plaques on agar plates. Measuring the efficiency of these reactions is called packing efficiency. Transformation Efficiency After binding the DNA fragment to the plasmid vector, the recombinant molecule must be introduced into the host bacteria where it can replicate in a process called transformation. The plasmids used for cloning contain an antibiotic resistance gene that allows the selection of transformed cells. Transformation efficiency is a quantitative measure of the number of cells occupying the plasmid. Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology Health and Diseases. Recombinant DNA technology has a wide range of applications in treating diseases and improving health. The following sections describe important advances in recombinant DNA technology aimed at improving human health Gene Therapy: Gene therapy is an advanced technique with therapeutic potential in healthcare. The first successful report in the field of gene therapy to treat genetic diseases has provided a safer direction for treating the deadliest genetic diseases. The main strategies that are used now include vaccination with tumor cells engineered to express immunostimulatory molecules, vaccination with recombinant viral vectors encoding tumor antigens, and vaccination with host cells engineered to express tumor antigens It is preferable to add a functional gene rather than a single protein because proteins are rapidly degraded while a properly integrated gene continues to be expressed. It has been proven that gene therapy is a complex process that includes several phases and consists of the production of a vector carrying a specific gene and its introduction into the cell. Once the vector has introduced the transgene into the cell, the gene must pass through the cytoplasm and enter the nucleus. The transgene located in the cell nucleus must be stably integrated into the genome: only integrated copies of the gene can be consistently replicated during each genome replication. Finally, appropriate and regulated expression of the transgene must be achieved, which is not a trivial task since most vectors insert the gene they carry at random positions. In the case of accidental insertion, two problems arise: (i) In most cases the gene is in a chromosomal environment that does not allow its transcription; and (ii) the gene may be found in other genes or their regulatory sequences, leading to the inactivation of these host genes, some of which may be essential. To overcome these problems, existing methods are constantly being improved or completely new approaches are being created. Alternatively, therapeutic DNA can be delivered directly into target cells. Another option is to use liposomes, artificial lipid spheres with a watery core that contains DNA. Another approach involves chemically linking DNA to molecules that can bind to specific receptors on the cell surface or facilitate nuclear transfer. Among nonviral vectors, artificial human chromosomes dominate with virtually unlimited gene expression capacity, stability, and lack of immunogenicity EPILOGUE Recombinant DNA techniques developed by molecular biologists over the past few decades have had far-reaching consequences in fields as diverse as forensics, medicine, and agriculture. This has given rise to many high-tech industries. Like many scientific breakthroughs that have changed our lives, research that began in the ivory towers has reached the mainstream. Recent advances in recombinant DNA technology C) Currently, research is focused on the development of subunit vaccines that contain the most potent immunogenic antigens of a given pathogen. Recombinant viruses have several interesting properties that make them extremely effective in triggering a T cell-mediated immune response. Recently, this cell-mediated immunity was shown to be essential for protection against malaria and AIDS because it contains the most immunogenic virus ever. given pathogen. Recombinant viruses have several interesting properties that make them extremely effective in triggering a T cell-mediated immune response. Cell-mediated immunity has recently been shown to be essential for protection against malaria and AIDS. D) A new molecular biology tool has recently been developed through the development of baculovirus surface imaging, using various strategies to display foreign peptides and proteins on the surface of budding virions. This eukaryotic display system allows large, complex proteins to be displayed on the surface of baculovirus particles, making it a versatile system in molecular biology. F) Mites have been shown to be important. Sources of household allergens linked to asthma and other allergic diseases. Recombinant DNA technology, together with other immunological and molecular biology techniques, has contributed significantly to a better understanding of the biology of house dust mites and their role in allergic diseases. G) Recombinant DNA technology has enabled the development of molecular cloning vectors that enable the expression of heterologous genes in a variety of animal viruses. A virus that encodes the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase is used as the expression vector system. The selected gene is inserted into a plasmid vector intended for gene expression under the control of the T7 promoter J) The complement system is an important element of defense against foreign organisms and functions in both the innate and adaptive immune systems. C4b binding protein (C4BP) is a potent circulating soluble inhibitor of the classical complement and lectin pathways. In recent years, the relationships between the structure and functions of C4BP have been elucidated by combining computational molecular analysis and recombinant DNA technology BIOMEDICAL SIGNIFICANCE It is useful in providing a clear picture of the molecular basis of many diseases. With this technology it is possible to produce large quantities of human proteins used in Therapy such as Use of proteins for vaccines (e.g. against hepatitis B) and for diagnosis. This technology is used to diagnose existing diseases and predict their risk Development of a particular disease. Food and Drug Administration. Agriculture Since golden rice is a fortified source of vitamin A and is used in the production of medically important agricultural products, such as the production of human growth hormone and edible vaccinesHigh-quality crops are obtained by crossing different varieties by inserting a new gene from other suitable varieties or a wild relative. Nanobiotechnology Nanobiotechnology can create atomic or molecular machines by incorporating them into biological systems, which is why it is considered a combination of biotechnology and nanotechnology. Nanobiotechnology also has applications in clinical sciences such as disease diagnosis, drug delivery, and molecular imaging Medical Genetic probes are used to diagnose the disease at an early stage and determine the likelihood of its occurrence in future generations .Recombinant DNA technology also helps humanity cure many diseases that may be difficult or impossible to cure. Many recombinant proteins synthesized through DNA manipulation are currently used to treat diseases. Protein engineering has been used to develop second-generation variants with improved pharmacokinetics, structure, potency, and bioavailability. For example, in neutral solutions used for treatment, insulin is often in the form of zinc-containing hexamers. However, absorption is limited by this self-association. By developing unique amino acid replacements, molecular biologists are now able to produce essentially monomeric insulin at therapeutic concentrations. It turned out that this insulin is not only able to maintain its biological effect but is also absorbed two to three times more effectively. Role of Biotechnology in Animal Sciences Animal biotechnology deals with genetically engineering animals through the application of molecular biology techniques, it is also used to synthesize several proteins that are beneficial for the improvement of growth and treatment of animals as well as humans. Transgenic animals are produced by inserting the desired gene of interest in them. The gene of interest injected into a cell is done using different techniques like retroviruses-mediated, pronuclear micro-propagation; sperm-mediated transfer, and embryonic stem cell methods. Molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology have revolutionized the field of toxicology. such technology provides a means to manipulate molecules critical to these processes and an opportunity to examine the effects of these manipulations in living systems and to elucidate the physiological roles of the protein under investigation. KEY PRINCIPLES RECOMMENDATIONS Although our assessments of the risks associated with each line of research into recombinant DNA molecules may vary, few, if any, believe that this methodology is risk-free. Valid principles to address this potential risk are: (i) isolation should be considered in the experimental design and (ii) the effectiveness of isolation should correspond as closely as possible to the estimated risk.
  • Results: The recombinant DNA technology has a significant impact on improving the quality of human life. It has several applications in different facets of human life. The most important output of this technology is developing human insulin which saves millions of humans around the world. It is often used to treat diseases and improve health. This review describes important advances in recombinant DNA technology that aim to improve the applications of recombinant DNA technology in human medicine, the food industry, and agriculture.
  • Conclusion: Recombinant DNA technology is a revolution in biotechnology, contributing to the development of new drugs, hormones, enzymes, and treatments for many health, agricultural, and environmental problems. Genetic engineering involves recombinant DNA in which a selected gene can be cloned and/or manipulated. These cloned genes are records of the functions, nature, enzymes, or hormones of the human body. It can be performed using state-of-art technologies and tools that can be applied either in vitro or in vivo. In this review paper, this emerging technology has been reviewed based on available literature to increase the knowledge about this evolutionary technology which will drive human civilization to an advanced level
  • Keywords: Recombinant DNA, Genetic Engineering, Biotechnology, Molecular Cloning