• Nocardia disease, treatment review article
  • Mobina Motalebi Shahbaz,1 Saman Hakimian,2,*
    1. Bachelor of Microbiology Ahar Islamic Azad University , Iran
    2. M.sc student of Microbiology Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch,Iran,Tehran

  • Introduction: Nocardiosis is a gram _positive, ubiquitous, soilborne belongs to the Family of aerobic actinomy cetes that seem like branching, .filamentous rods on microscop This genus Nocardia includes more then eighty species, thirty of which could affect .humans There is also a species of Nocardia a called Nocardia farcinica, which is very similar to.
  • Methods: An interesting case from North india was investigateg by scientisis, which is septic embolism and infectious endocarditis caused by Nocardia farcinica. A very rare phenomenon.
  • Results: Paucivorans by metagenation sequencing (mNGS) of BALF. The patient was treated with trimethoprim_sulfamethoxazole
  • Conclusion: Paucivorans by metagenation sequencing (mNGS) of BALF. The patient was treated with trimethoprim_sulfamethoxazole
  • Keywords: Nocardia Bacteria Gram positive