• Anticancer Activity of cobra venom componeuts against cancer
  • Atefe Sadat Taheri Khezri,1,* Delavar Shahbazzade,2
    1. MSc in biochemistry,Department of Biochemistry- School of Advanced Sciences and Technology- Medical Sciences Breanch- Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
    2. Professor,Department of Biotechnology-Biotechnology Research Center-Venom and Biotherapeutics Molecules Lab-Pasteur Institute of Iran. Tehran. Iran.

  • Introduction: While the survival has increased due to treatment for cancer, But it has many side effects. cancer is the most common disease among men and women. for example Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common cancer in adults. anticancer activity effect on Hepatocellular with gel filtration chromatography cobra venom in 2021. This review article the important role of cobra venom that researchers can investigated in cancer treatment. Cancer is the most problem over the world(1). 25% of human mortality is cancer. commercialized drugs successful based on bradykinin peptides derived from the snake venom(2). snake venom has been with various theraputic, anti viral, and antifungal activities(3). Therefore, the present review anticancer activity of the cobra venom componeuts agaist cancer(4).
  • Methods: Malaysian common cobras Malaysian is the venom snake species can be sepred into two families, three cobra species, name is Naja Naja, Naja sumatrana and Ophiophagus Hannah are the most common cobra(5). N.sumatrana is the most cobra of ten Elapid species. venom of mulaysian cobra Anticancer activity, antibacterial, anticonvulsant, and antithrombotic activities(6). Cobra venom consist of protein snake venom is a natural sour consist of proteins such as phospholipase A2, amino acid oxidase(8). The common and unique venom proteins from Naja Naja, Naja sumatrana, and Ophiophagus(9).
  • Results: Anticancer activity of cobra venom snake venom an important source of therapeutic and focusing on anticancer(10). cobra venom proteins have been isolated and their activity anticancer agents(11). almost of common cobra venom investigation into potential therapeutic, especially anticancer agents(12).
  • Conclusion: cancer is the most common problem world wide. anticancer agents naturally source specially animal venom for example snake venom, scorpions and etc(13). protein is the most common in cancer therapy(14). cobra venom consist of protein and peptide(15). snake venom were widely studied. some venom peptides, for example cytotoxins are toxic natural understanding of the anticancer of the cobra venom(16). In conclusion, this review article anticancer activity of cobra venom componeuts against cancer(17).
  • Keywords: cobra venom, treatment cancer, snake venom, anticancer.