• The correlation between Sex chromosomal abnormality and IVF technique
  • Saghar Zonnar,1 Parisa Esmaeili Kordlar,2 Fatemeh Faghihi,3,*

  • Introduction: The correlation between Sex chromosomal abnormality and IVF technique Saghar Zonnar1, Parisa Esmaeili Kordlar, Fatemeh Faghihi In vitro fertilization is the most commonly utilized assisted reproductive technology. ActuallyIn vitro fertilization (IVF), or in other words, the process of combining reproductive cells in a laboratory environment, applies to people who cannot have children naturally.However, the procedures can be intensive and costly, and success depends on various factors like age and number of cycles. An IVF treatment cycle can be separated into five steps: I. Ovarian stimulation and qualification which uses medications to increase the number of eggs available. II. Egg collection III.Fusion of ovum and sperm to create embryos in the laboratory, and freezing any suitable spare embryos. IV. Embryo transfer of one or sometimes two embryos into the uterus. V. Luteal phase, which covers preparing and maintaining the uterus to allow an embryo to implant and give rise to pregnancy. While IVF itself can cause a number of common chromosomal abnormalities, as well as sex chromosome syndromes. A 2019 national report published by SART (Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology) revealed age as a critical factor.For instance, According to the report, 55% of women under 35 achieved a live birth following one egg retrieval cycle. The percentage dropped to 4.3% for women over 42 year. Even though in NIPT test results,there is a significant relation between IVF,invalid gender and High risk in sex chromosome results. So, the correlation between of sex chromosomeabnormalitiesand IVF can be an important point to investigate. Key words: IVF technique, Sex Chromosome Abnormality, NIPT test 1. Sagharzonar1372@gmail.com
  • Methods: ELAISA technique, NGS technique, PCR
  • Results: The percentage dropped to 4.3% for women over 42 year. Even though in NIPT test results,there is a significant relation between IVF,invalid gender and High risk in sex chromosome results
  • Conclusion: So, the correlation between of sex chromosome abnormalities and IVF can be an important point to investigate.
  • Keywords: IVF technique, Sex Chromosome Abnormality, NIPT test