• Investigating antibiotic resistance in salmonella strain isolated from meat samples in Yazd
  • Zeinab Abiri,1,* Arefe Farazi,2
    1. Ardakan University
    2. Ardakan University

  • Introduction: Salmonella is a gram negative bacteria that is one of the most important food borne pathogens in humans and animals. Infected meat products are the main source of Salmonella, which causes economic losses on poultry, especially young birds, and is important because of its transmissibility from poultry to humans. Salmonellosis is mostly transmitted through the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, contaminated water and food are a significant source of salmonellosis development.
  • Methods: In this study, salmonella isolates were isolated from meat samples for 6 months. 6 strains were detected by biochemical tests including XLD, Mac conkey, TSI and Urea. Then an antibiogram test was done for confirmed salmonella isolates.
  • Results: All isolates were resistant against Erythromycin. 33%, 16.7%, 16.7% were resistant against Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and Ofloxacin and nalidixic acid respectively. All isolated did not show any resistance to sefexim, Cefalotin, Colistin, Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin.
  • Conclusion: Antibiotic resistance has become a dangerous crisis around the world. It seems physicians and veterinarians should prescribe antibiotics in a reasonable way. Also, it is better to omit-the antimicrobial drugs from over-the counter drugs. Especially when this fact is approved that a resistant gene could be transmitted between animals and humans.
  • Keywords: Salmonella, Resistant, Antibiotics