• Measuring the amount of catechin in plants Camellia sinensis L., Zizyphus jujuba MILLER with anti-diabetic properties
  • Noushin Shakouri,1,*

  • Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is an important metabolic disease that reduces the patient's quality of life due to acute and chronic complications and is formed by the failure of insulin secretion from the pancreas and the resistance of tissues to insulin and in the body affects the metabolism of fat, protein and carbohydrates. According to the Diabetes Atlas published by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) of 2017, a total of 425 million people worldwide between the ages of 20-79 have diabetes and this figure will increase 48% and reach 629 million in 2045. The medical treatment of diabetes mellitus is based on hypoglycemic drugs and insulin. But nowadays due to the high cost and side effects of these drugs, there is an increasing interest in herbal and synthetic treatment methods as alternative treatments. To date, more than 1050 antidiabetic plants have been identified and about 300 active antidiabetic compounds have been isolated from them. Flavonoids constitute an important group of active antidiabetic compounds of plants. According to the studies, catechin is found as a flavonoid in many plants and fruits. Some of the antidiabetic effects of catechin can be summarized as follows: Strong antioxan effect, reducing the effect of alpha-amylase enzyme, preventing hemolysis of membrane of red blood cell, protecting pancreatic β cells from destruction. Increasing pump activity Ca+2-ATPase in the erythrocyte membrane. Increase insulin secretion and activity, Inhibition of activity Na+/H+ exchanger etc. In this study, Camellia sinensis L., Zizyphus jujuba MILLER, was collected for analysis.
  • Methods: In this paper, Camellia sinensis L., leaves, Zizyphus jujuba MILLER. fruit. Punica granatum L. fruit skin was collected for analysis with HPLC method. Firstly, the samples were dried and was obtained theirs ethanol extract in the form of a very fine powder with 80% ethanol , 5 grams of dried sample and 25 ml of ethanol by incubation method and then filtration operation. Catechin standard was purchased from (Sigma Aldrich) . The first catechin was injected into the device with concentrations of 0.02-0.03-0.04, 0.05, 0.06 mg/ml and was drawn its calibration curve. Then the samples were analyzed, 100 microliters of the sample extract was taken and concentrated to 1000 microliters under special conditions of the device : Catechin analyzes using with Agilent 1260 infinity HPLC by (Asih et al. ., 2022) method (It has been partially modified). Elavonoid standard and chemical materials used are of analytical purity .The mobile phase consists of two solvent systems: [A: 0.1% formic acid); B: MeOH: ACN: Formic acid (9 : 1 : 0.1) Column name: Agilent zorbax 300SB C18 3.5 micrometer 4.6* 100 mm Flow rate is 1 mL/min, injection volume is 20μL. The column temperature was kept constant at 35°C throughout.
  • Results: The analysis results showed that there is catechin in all three samples, but its amount is significantly higher in Camellia sinensis L. leaf extract. In the table below, the amount of catechin in the samples is given in mg/ml. Cotechin amount of (mg/ml) in extract of sample Punica granatum L. Camellia sinensis L., Zizyphus jujuba MILLER are respectively 11/2824, 24/2668 and 6/8299.
  • Conclusion: In the findings of the analysis performed for the ethanol extract of three samples of Camellia sinensis L., leaves, Zizyphus jujuba MILLER. fruit. Punica granatum L. fruit skin confirm the presence of catechins in these samples. The amount of catechins in Camellia sinensis L.( green tea ) is significantly higher than the other two samples. According to the proven effects of the flavonoid catechins in the treatment of diabetes, it can be concluded that in these three samples, especially green tea, there are antidiabetic effects caused by catechins and in the long term. These can be used as a treatment for diabetes. In future works, catechins can be isolated from these plants and added to foods to help balance blood sugar. These plants with anti-diabetic properties can be a source of herbal medicines. So, you can get natural medicines with reduced side effects.
  • Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Flavonoid, Catechin, , HPLC