• Investigating the cytotoxicity of of Actinomycete bacteria extract on adipose mesenchymal stem cells of Wistar rat
  • metanat safari,1,* Hanieh Jalali ,2 Ensieh SalehGhamari ,3 Latifeh Karimadeh ,4
    1. Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
    2. Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
    3. Department of Cell and Molecular Sciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

  • Introduction: Aim and background: Actinomycete (Ac) bacteria contain several bioactive metabolites with anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory effects. Their cultivation and laboratory development are easy, which makes them a suitable source for the extraction of medicinal metabolites. Adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells (AMSCs) are multipotent stem cells with capacity to regenerate tissue damages; they also has applied in inflammatory diseases due to immunomodulatory potential. So, evaluating the effect of new metabolites or medications on them is an essential issue. In the current study the effect of an Iranian endemic Ac extract was investigated on rat AMSCs.
  • Methods: Materials and Method Ac was collected from Garmsar region of Iran and cultivated in 25 plates in the basic culture medium by grass method. Extraction was done with ethyl acetate solvent. AMSCs were isolated from male Wistar rats and were characterized by flow cytometry. GC-Mass was performed to determine metabolites of Ac extract. Ac extract was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide and 5-100 µg/ml concentrations were applied on AMSCs for 48 hours. The level of cytotoxicity was determined by MTT assay.
  • Results: Results: Flow cytometry results confirmed the mesenchymal characteristic of the cells. GS-Mass showed higher anti-oxidant content of Ac extract. Ac extract had a protective effect on ASC viability at 5 - 25 µg/ml but at concentration more than 25 µg/ml, it caused toxicity on AMSCs. The IC50 (Median Inhibition Concentration) of Ac extract was measured as 64.12 µg/ml.
  • Conclusion: Conclusion: This study proved that our new Ac extract contains secondary metabolites and can be considered for the production of biological compounds.
  • Keywords: Keywords: Actinomycetes, Metabolite, Mesenchymal stem cells, Cell Viability