• Vitamin D and Magnesium protects against Cadmium-induced fetus’s pulmonary toxicity by reducing P53 and Foxo1 genes expression in Wistar rats
  • Paria Amanpour,1 Zohre Eftekhari,2,* Akram Eidi,3 Parvin khodarahmi,4
    1. Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
    2. Biotchnology Department, Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    3. Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
    4. Department of Biology, Parand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Parand, Iran

  • Introduction: Exposure of healthy mothers to contaminants containing heavy metals such as Cadmium (Cd) can lead to respiratory fetus defects followed pregnancy. This study investigated the therapeutic and protective role of Vitamin D and magnesium (Mg) in reducing the toxic effects of cadmium on the neonates born from exposed pregnant mothers.
  • Methods: 50 Wistar Rats were divided into Control, Cd, Cd +Vitamin D, Cd +Mg, and Cd +Vitamin D +Mg treatment groups. Cadmium injected to the Rats over a period of 28 days, subsequently mated, and pregnancy confirmed. The treatment carried out due to the 6th day of pregnancy to the 14th day. The activity level of liver enzymes in the collected serum samples was determined spectrometrically. ELISA was used to specify tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) levels. Real-time PCR and western blotting were used to measure (P53 and Foxo1 genes) and (VEGF and BMP-4 proteins) expression. Hematoxylin and eosin staining were used to determine the histology of the lungs.
  • Results: The Cd+ Vitamin D+ Mg group had a statistically significant decrease in liver enzymes, TNF-α, P53, Foxo1, VEGF, and BMP-4 levels compared to the Cd. The bronchioles in Vitamin D+ Mg group were a normal appearance, and the rate of hemorrhage, inflammatory cell infiltrations, and the alveoli’s wall thickness, were reduced compared to the Cd group.
  • Conclusion: It concludes that Vitamin D and Mg can be considered a protective combination in the Cd toxicology which able to repair and regenerate damaged lung tissue without any toxic effects on liver.
  • Keywords: Cadmium; Vitamin D; Magnesium; Lung Development